Friday, February 28, 2020

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) - Essay Example The group activities declined in 2006 and 2007 after various measures to counter terrorism. However, after the withdrawal of the US forces in 2011 the group has since increased its attacks targeting the Shiites in an attempt to reignite conflict in Iraq between the Shiite dominated government and the minority Sunnis. According to the report of United Nations, in 2013 alone, there was bloodshed on thousands of the population. In 2012, ISIS was adopted as the formal name of the group and replaced AQI. This is an expression of its broadest ambition because its fighters are challenging the Assad regime in neighboring Syria. In June 2014, attacked military installations in Mosul and took control of the entire city. ISIS or the Islamic state is an extremist movement that makes even Al-Qaeda squeamish. It attracts militants who are eager to build the new caliphate from all over the world. The ISIS army is a mixture of extremists from different parts of the universe including Chechen snipers, Saudi Arabia’s car bombers and western misfits like Douglas McAuthur McCain who has signed to fight among them. The group has kidnapped and murdered American journalists, butchered over seven hundred Sheets in Syria, and threaten the existence of Iraq’s Yazidi community. They employ the vicious Hudud punishments in enforcing sharia laws in the areas they control in Iraq and Syria. The Jihadist group is also known as the â€Å"Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant† (ISIL) and controls an unrecognized sate and caliphate in the Middle East. ISIS originated from the almost fallen Al-Qaeda. The Al-Qaeda who embarked on the arbitrary and brutal treatment of civilians tried to ignite a sectarian war to the majority Shia community in 2006 under Abu Musab al-Zarqawi.  

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Education in America Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Education in America - Personal Statement Example Moreover, they do no hold enough strong financial background to support my education. Therefore, I am facing two problems at a time, my family resistance not to study more across the border as it is not in our family traditions and financial background. The only support that I have is my father who loves to see me as a high educated girl. These problems are affecting my studies as I can't give my full coverage over my studies. Not only I have to support my education but also I have to realize my family member that how important is my studies in this era. To finance my studies I am trying to earn through job that is consuming much of my time, more often I also face cultural problem at my work place. As I is Chinese born and my culture, language and traces are completely different from Americans. Though, this is a secondary problem but still this problem is also contributing in my tensions. But now as time passes, my father has contributed a lot in supporting my education, not only thi s he also realized my family that I ma on the right path. As time passes, my family when seek positive enhancements and augmentations in my personality, and when they see people respecting me as I am highly educated, they are no more criticizing my education and my stay in USA. Moreover, as I pass different levels of my education I get better jobs that support my education in better way. Though different problem aris... This cultural difference becomes a great hurdle in my social life. This enables me to restrict within a small social group who also belong to Chinese culture. But still face problem in finding such friends and groups who have Chinese culture and this pressurize me to get involve in this new culture so that life in the future become easy. Though, I accept this culture because I was compel to accept this to make the life easier in future but still I accept those things from this culture which my tradition can allow. Later on with time, when the American culture fully exposed to me, I do not accept the culture fully as I know that I have to return to my country after completing my job. But to make the journey of my education in America easy, I accept the culture of America and try with time to accept different things and this directly affect my socialization. The more I become social, the more I interact people, the more I learn from them. I have joined a student campaign that helps the other students who arrived from different culture, this campaign or organization actually help such students in their initial stages. Leading such campaign was not a problem for me as I already face all such problems and know that how I have to handle them. Therefore, I have introduces different small programs within the campaign that directly help those who are new to USA and arrived for their further studies. My leadership qualities remain my strength as I know that how I have to agree and realized my co-follows for such programs. When you know that you are on the right path and you are right in your rights than this actually enhances your leadership character because when you are internally strong than you not only lead yourself but you