Monday, December 30, 2019

Motivation Profile Essay - 1085 Words

There are three individuals Ella, Marcelo, and Masoko who are trying to gain a promotion at their place of employment. Motivated employees are needed at all workplaces. Motivated employees help their companies and place of employment survive. Managers need to know what motivates their employees. Of all of the duties of an employer motivating employees arguably is the most complex. This is due, to the part of what motivates employees which changes constantly (Bowen Radhakrishna, 1991).Each individual is motivated to gain a job promotion using three theories of motivation. The three theories of motivation are biological, psychosocial an interactionist theories of motivation. Motivation is a reason or set of reasons for engaging in a†¦show more content†¦Externally the job promotion will provide a pay increase for Ella and internally if she gains the promotion Ella has been approved my others and this promotion will hopefully boost her self esteem. Emotions will be served as a motivator for Ella because she has a fear of not achieving her task of gaining her job promotion.Ella will do whatever it takes to come out on top. Marcelo’s motivational drive to gain a promotion is based on the psychological theory of motivation. The psychological theory of motivation that motivates Marcelo is completing interesting work. Interesting work is one of the most important motivational factors. The psychological theory of motivation that motivates Marcelo is driven by Marcelo’s psychological processes. Marcelo psychologically enjoys his job and what he does. Marcelo’s motivation to get a job promotion is driven by the psychological process that gives behavior purpose and direction (kreitner, 1995); a predisposition to behave in a purpurposeful manner to achieve specific, unmet needs (Buford, Bedeian Linder, 1995). Marcelo’s motivation is driven by an inner force that drives individuals to accomplish his personal goal of getting the job promotion. Marcelo’s motivation drives him to make money and place emphasis onShow MoreRelatedEmployee Profile Motivation action Plan987 Word s   |  4 PagesEmployee Profile: Motivation Action Plan LaTonya Williams Organizational Development MGT/311 October 24, 2013 Dr. Demond L. Spann Motivation is giving somebody a reason or incentive to do something. It can be intrinsic or extrinsic. Intrinsic motivation is focused by an awareness or satisfaction in the task itself and usually occurs within the person rather than relying on external force. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Scott Mescudi Is A Hip Hop Artist - 1745 Words

Scott Mescudi is a hip-hop artist whose music captures the mind of his listeners through his depressed melodic harmonies. As a child he suffered a traumatic incident that led him to become what he is today for better or for worse. His father died when he was eleven years old inspiring him musically and as a person. With Scott’s father dieing he became depressed (Jaliman). He struggled through life dealing with his depression as a kid through when he is an adult. The only way for him to feel an escape from his sadness and lonesomeness was through his artistic ability in creating music. Through that Scott expresses his passions and demons. On his album â€Å"Man on the Moon† and other popular works such as his single â€Å"The Prayer†, Kid Cudi speaks†¦show more content†¦He later was expelled for threatening to punch his principle at Solon but does go on to earn his GED. Him threatening his principal is an inappropriate action and could have been influenc ed by his older brother Dean who was not the best influence. He mother loved Scott and knew knew he was talented in the area of art so she enrolled him in Toledo college where he studied film for a year but dropped out. He moved to New York where he stayed with his uncle Kalil Madi. Scott took the name Kid Cudi and began making mixtapes and making real music when he creates his first hit single â€Å"Day ‘N’ Night† â€Å"Day ‘N’ Night† was created after his uncle passed away and holds a lot of meaning because before Kalil passed away he kicked Scott out of his house despite Scott not having and other living arrangements. Scott was bitter for that but never apologized for his bitterness which he regrets once Kalil dies. Khalil s death inspired Scott (Kid Cudi) to write â€Å"Day ‘N’ Night†. The song begins with the first verse: â€Å"Day and night (what, what) I toss and turn, I keep stressing my mind, mind (what, what) I look for peace but see I don t attain (what, what) What I need for keeps this silly game we play, play Now look at this (what, what) Madness to magnet keeps attracting me, me (what, what) I try to run but see I m not that fast (what, what) I think I m first but surely finish last, last† This song begins with stating the song â€Å"Day ‘N’

Friday, December 13, 2019

Drexler’s Bar-B-Que Free Essays

ENVIRONMENT OUTPUTS PROCESS INPUTS | 3. Apply the systems model to illustrate how Drexler’s Bar-B-Que operates within its environment. Before applying the system model to Drexler’s, first we will discuss a little bit about the system theory itself. We will write a custom essay sample on Drexler’s Bar-B-Que or any similar topic only for you Order Now The organization itself is an element of a larger system, the environment. Within time, every organization takes, processes and returns resources to the environment. The decisive factor of organizational effectiveness is whether the organization survives in the environment. In simpler meaning, systems theory is when an organization takes resources (inputs) from the larger system (the environment), processes the resources and returns them in a changed form (output). Input – Mrs. Scott talks to her customers, new and old, about what they are looking for within the restaurant. Process – Mrs. Scott gathers and analyzes the customers’ suggestions. Output – Mrs. Scott implements her action plan and the environment (customers) receive the service they suggested. This process is basically a revolving system to improve customer service and business activity. Due to Mrs. Scott’s actions, she has closed down the restaurant and upgrade to a bigger building to accommodate her new and regular customers. Managers need to possess two key ingredients: authenticity and social intelligence Mrs. Scott possess both of these assets because she makes sure that Drexler’s menu is the same with the same ingredients, she makes sure that the restaurant is original in its deliverance. She also knows that to be successful she needs her customers’ input to keep them coming back for more. There are 5 dimensions of social intelligence: Â   empathy, presence, situational radar, clarity and authenticity which Mrs. Scott all possesses. How to cite Drexler’s Bar-B-Que, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Market Structures In Australia Market and Characteristics

Question: Describe about the Market Structures In Australia for Market and Characteristics. Answer: Introduction Market structure is the organization of a given market, policies guiding the market and characteristics of the market. Market structure can also be regarded as a reflection of the critical aspects in a given market. A market structure constitutes of factors such as the number of companies within a given industry, categories of products being produced, and the freedom a firm to join and exit a given industry and the number of customers available within the market as discussed in in the content of this paper. The ability and inability of a given firm to influence the market operations through price determination is also factor within a market structure. In any given market structure, the rate of competition is influenced by the ability a firm within the industry high or low ability to dictate the prices in the market. From the perspective of a market structure, the lower the inability of a firm in an industry to influence the market the higher the rate of competition (Marshall and Baker 2012). All companies and business in Australia can be attached to a given market structure. There are four market structure which are attached to the business and firms in Australia. These market structures include: monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition and the duopoly market structure. The paper analyses the four types of market structures and how they organized in Australia. Discussion Oligopoly market structure Oligopoly market structure is a type of a market structure in which a few firms within a given industry control the market. This is market structure is composed of low number of firms within the industry due to various barriers which hinder several firms from joining the industry (Finn 2010). The freedom of joining the Australian oligopolistic market structure is prevented by several factors such as the patent rights given by the Australian government to firms within this market structure. Another factor hindering entry of firms in the market is financial required in order to venture into business related to this kind of market structure. In Australia oligopoly market structure is composed of two major supermarket chains thats Coles and Woolworth supermarkets (Mazzeo 2002). These two chain stores controls a round seventy to eighty percent of the market shares covering all the market standards. In an oligopolistic market structure firms deal with different types products. This differentiations comes as results of branding, sorting and the kind packaging a firms decides on. The market structure is full of coordination since one firms decisions affect the other firm. Characteristics of Australian oligopoly. The firms in this market tend to use similar price tags for products Products are differentiated from each other Firms avoid price wars The market is more of sales competition rather than price The three is use of a kinked demand curve in price determination Monopoly Monopoly is a market structure where there is only one seller in the whole market. The single seller in the market deals with a specific product with no any close substitute. Monopoly can occur naturally or legally (Katsoulacos and Xepapadeas 2009). Natural monopoly happens as a result from the barriers such as prices and raw materials while legal monopoly happens as result of protection given by the Australian government such as the franchise, government and patent and copyright. The market is made up of one seller and several sellers. The seller determines and sets the prices in the market and can at some level apply different degrees of price discrimination to obtain the profit target. There are different types of monopoly in Australia ranging from governmental monopoly, technological monopoly, natural monopoly and natural monopoly. Characteristics of monopoly market structure The market is composed of a single seller or producer in the market The product in market has got no close substitute There is barrier to entry and exit of the market Both seller and the buyer have the same information concerning the product Monopolistic competition A monopolistic type of market structure which involves several seller and buyers. The sellers in the market deal with differentiated products from one another either as a result of quality or branding. The products offered in a monopolistic competition market structure are almost them though lack perfect substitutes. In this type of market structure firms take prices set by other firms in the market without any consideration of their own prices (Nadal 2005). Monopolistic competition market structure unlike perfect competition maintains spare capacity. Most of the firms making up this type of market structure are the modeling firms in Australia. Characteristics of monopolistic competition market structure The market is made up of several buyers and sellers whose activities do not affect each other There is freedom for entry and exit The sellers in the market determine the prices Perfect competition market structure The perfect competition market is a kind of market structure which meets the market equilibrium (Buchanan and Callus 2013). The market meets perfect conditions. This kind of market structure meets the following and is always imaginary and does exist in the real life situation. Large number of sellers and buyers: the market is made of several sellers and buyers. Both the parties have the willingness and ability to buy and sell goods at a given price Perfect competition: buyers in a perfect competition all the buyers have knowledge about the market and the prevailing prices Products in the market are homogeneous: products in the market have perfect substitutes All firms in the market are price takers: there is no single firm determining the price of products in the market Freedom of entry and exit: firms in a perfect competition market are allowed to enter in to the market and exit any time they are willing Conclusion A market structure is made up four main structure each having its own characteristics. Australian competition market is made up of oligopoly, monopoly and monopolistic market structures. The perfect competition market is an imaginary market structure which does not exist in the real Australian market. Firms and business in Australia are attached to the either of the market structures discussed above. All the firms and businesses in Australia have the freedom to join any market depending on the line of production, willingness and the availability of resources. References Buchanan, J. and Callus, R., 2013. Efficiency and equity at work: The need for labour market regulation in Australia. Journal of Industrial Relations, 35(4), pp.515-537. Finn, M.G., 2010. Perfect competition and the effects of energy price increases on economic activity. Journal of Money, Credit and banking, pp.400-416. Katsoulacos, Y. and Xepapadeas, A., 2009. Environmental policy under oligopoly with endogenous market structure. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, pp.411-420. Marshall, D.C. and Baker, R.G., 2012. The evolving market structures of gambling: Case studies modelling the socioeconomic assignment of gaming machines in Melbourne and Sydney, Australia. Journal of gambling studies, 18(3), pp.273-291. Mazzeo, M.J., 2002. Product choice and oligopoly market structure. RAND Journal of Economics, pp.221-242. Nadal, J.P., Phan?, D., Gordon, M.B. and Vannimenus, J., 2005. Multiple equilibria in a monopoly market with heterogeneous agents and externalities. Quantitative Finance, 5(6), pp.557-568.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Pluto Telecommunications

Pluto telecommunication is among the leading companies offering telecommunication services in Ireland, ranging from event production and conference management to marketing support and project management. In the recent times, the company has been on the brink of crumble due to internal wrangles in some of its departments including sales, marketing, and customer services departments that have had several face-off incidences, attributed to bonus allocation and time pressures.Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Pluto Telecommunications specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Each department holds an unpleasant opinion of the resulting to unhealthy departmental competition, loss of business and general customer dissatisfaction. Acknowledgement of managerial differences is vital in improving the working relations and increasing productivity (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Analysis In carrying out the analysis of the Pluto telec ommunications company, Sogi analysis comprising of the societal, organisational, group and individual analysis is used. However, Pluto has been analysed with the exclusion of societal level. Organisational analysis Organization tradition Organization tradition refers to the common practices carried out within different departments in an organization. These practices make the organization different from others, and aim at enabling it to have a competitive edge (Organizational analysis 2012). The culture fosters the beliefs and practices common to all the members of the organization, enabling them with a sense of belonging and the motivation to work more diligently as opposed to those who do not uphold this culture. In Pluto, Ms Tsang strived to work towards a culture of unity and assumed she had achieved it. She was, however, surprised all her efforts had been thwarted by the disagreements among the three departments. The departments had developed other subcultures. Culture determine s the interaction of the organization with the outside world and the mechanisms used in achieving its goals. Therefore, a strong culture serves as a hallmark in portraying the actual identity of the organization. Having a dynamic culture alone does not guarantee success. There are some large organizations with strong cultures, but still suffered losses due to inflexibility in accepting changes especially those that threaten personal interest as explained in the Iron Law of Oligarchy (Michels 1911). Organizations such as Hewlett Packard were able to make profits since their strong cultures were backed by flexibility towards change. Comparatively, Pluto telecomunications’ culture did not undergo the relevant transformation required, thus the problems it faces. Inspite of the organization’s adaptability culture, the subculture that cropped up served as a significant barrier towards the realisation of their goals.Advertising Looking for case study on business economi cs? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Organization structure In Pluto telecommunications, a hierachy development is observable in which members of each department report to a departmental head, who in turn reports to Ms. Tsang. Mathew Craven had the opinion that differentiation as the main reason for the problems; as stated in the contigency theory (Lawrence and Lorsch 1967). Pluto is viewed as flexible and adaptive towards the various changes in technology a factor attributed to the presence of distinct groups in the organization. However, the organization is viewed differently in terms of differentiation due to the absence of integration within its units of operation as intense competition arises greater change and confrontation of conflict (Beer 1990). The assumption by Ms. Tsang was that the company’s unity was deflated by the wrangles that arouse as a result of subdivision. Lack of integration is the main cause of paralle l communication between the departments, for instance, when a new product was launched by the marketing department without communication to the sales and customer departments. The inconsistencies in the dependence of the three departments have been underestimated by the organization’s senior management, and this has resulted into lack of communication between the departments (Lawrence Lorsch 1967). Functional categorisation has contributed to the narrow specialisation of the departmental heads, other than facilitating an outside the box thinking. This makes it impossible to establish clear roles of each department and with each department treats the other as a completely different entity. When Ms. Tsang remained with the directors and asked them of the way forward, they could not talk infront of each other, a clear sign of group-thinking a problem similar to that faced by the CEO of Marks and Spenser, Sir Richard Greenbury (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Organisational analysis is better viewed through the ‘SWOT’ theory that outlines its strenghts, weakness, opportunities and threats. Strengths are characterized by voluntary staff participation in programs, improvement of financial resources, good facilities and company recognition; this leads to incorporation of new programmes and increasd investment opportunities among other visionalised aspects (Rural development Initiatives 2001).Advertising We will write a custom case study sample on Pluto Telecommunications specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, organisational analysis results to instability of the organistion making it handicapped by limitation in facilities, lack of expertise as people are used to overliance of one another and general decrease in funding especially from external sources (Rural Development Initiatives 2001). The behavoiur displayed by the espoused theory in Organizational analysis is that of being defensive, resis tant to change and, employee to employee protection from the manager (Beer 1990). Group level analysis Group structure Each of the three departments in Pluto telecommunications portray a different character from the others as a result of expansion of the organisation leading to the difficulty in internal communication. The sales team group exhibits characters of a reserved group with each group being guided by its individual needs as a driving force towards achieving the set targets. This mode of operation hampers the spirit of team work and is the likely reason for the lack of cooperation between the sales team and both the customer service and marketing teams (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). The customer service department is rather bureaucratic in its handling of the employees. Its employees comprise of the receptionist and the company engineers, who are governed by strict rules and guidelines set by the organization’s top management. Their mode of operation is a forced type, w hereby they have no choice but to work. Their goals are driven by the organization rather than self-interest. In this department, communication is simply done via memos and emails; hence, it is more of institutionalised than the other two departments (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). The major challenge to these types of organisations is that they will encounter problems in adapting to new changes (Allcorn 1989). The marketing department on its side tries to work as a team. However, it displays an assorted relationship with its counterparts in customer and sales. This is echoed by its opinion of the experiences and interactions of its counterparts in the two departments. Such attitudes and lack of a driving force towards cohesion by the heads of the respective departments is detrimental, not only to the organization’s unity but also on its reputation to the public. The lack of interraction leads to contradicting modes of operation, as was experienced by the customer service manager when a customer asked about the product launched by his company and he had no idea (Buchanan Huczynski 2007).Advertising Looking for case study on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Group culture Each of the departments displays a totally different nature, in the way they carry out their activities. A look at the sales team creates an impression of an elite group whose culture is centred on competition and individualism. Their status is described by classy items, such as flashy cars and mobile phones, which drive a sense of pride in the team. As expected, arrogance and unwillingness to share with people of the other departments arises. The customer service department tends to derive its culture from an institutionalised governance. It tends to shy away from speaking out its concerns, and it is obliged to follow the rules since the members presume to be safer that way (Allcorn 1989, p. 250). This authoritative leadership could suit engineers, but it might totally hamper communication between them and their colleagues, especially in circumstances where the style is informal to some extent. In this culture, there is maximum monitoring of resources and staff are yo ur most important resource. They react to people especially those in authority making it hard to accept change(Handy Aitken 1986). The marketing department on its part has a tendency of avoiding interactions with other departments due to the nature of its work. This cripples the organization’s management efforts aimed at creating a unified body. In such circumstances, each member becomes loyal to his department, more than even the organization itself. These subcultures ultimately lead to deraillance of the general organization’s objectives. These objectives are more often than not compromised as a result of unhealthy interdepartmental competition. Individual level analysis Leadership style According to Allcorn (1989), there is no significant link between the leader’s characteristics and the organization’s performance. However, this is not the case as there is a sustantial evidence of highly successful organizations that are attributed to the strong and e ffective leadership. A critical analysis of the departments is likely to reveal huge differences in performances that are based on the qualifications of the leadership. For instance, the marketing department, having the largest number of MBA graduates, is likely to achieve its goals quite easily as less time will be wasted on supervisions. Presumably, Ms. Tsang’s managerial challenges could be arising from leading the less educated or trained; and for this reason, she feels blamed for the disputes facing the departments. She tries hard, to show confidence as the only lady among gentlemen. She is, however, betrayed by her anger outbursts, which exposes her weakness. Leadership should be the development of a vision on how the future should look like – giving directions on how to achieve it and enmesh all its members in its net (Buchanan Huczynski, 2007, p. 360). However, neither did Ms. Tsang nor did her directors raise any issue as apperrtains the vision, and also non of them had shown constructive participation. Ms. Tsang, therefore, needs to redefine her mode of leadership to a more transactive and transformative one. From this, she may manage to get the highest potential from her subordinates (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Individuals and motivation Motivation is a major problem facing the Pluto telecommunications company. As has been seen, the sales department seems to be enjoying the most out of its job with short timelines. The customer service team, on the other hand, experiences quite unfavourable terms as its timeline is usually dictated by the organization and takes unusually long time. Its motivation, usually comes from fear of not achieving rather than self drive. This reward system, among the sales staff, has been more of a curse than a blessing to the organization because the competition has promoted individualism rather than teamwork. Studies have indicated that the â€Å"stick over carrot† system of motivation has severe long- term effects on the ultimate goal of the organization. People tend to perfect on whatever they are doing if they are doing it in their own will and under positive motivation. However, if subjected to the pressure, they underperform and may not deliver much as stipulated in the McGregor X Y theories. The marketing department does not have clearly defined targets; it lacks a scale of measuring the contribution to the organizations overall goal. Setting goals that are specific is motivating than setting general goals (Locke and Latham 1990). If the marketing department members realised that they had a larger workload than the rest, they would develop feelings and become too personal, and this could make them fail to achieve. Each department, in this case, is motivated in a different way. The sales department is motivated through extrinsic means customer service is forced to deliver through fear and marketing department is not motivated by unspecified goals. Since the extrinsic motivat ional methods influence the employees’ performance, they cannot be relied on to produce long-term goals. This is partly because they are bound to transform with the adjustments in the operating environment. Also, they do not provide an environment of sharing ideas through teamwork as each person competes to be the best individually rather than as an organization (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Conclusion As a result of the expansion of the company, the challenges facing Ms Tsang and the company is as a result of the sub cultural divisions that have cropped within the organization’s departments, threatening to split it. It is said that unity is strength; therefore, the company will not be able to face the external factors with their internal misunderstandings still unresolved. Their infighting weakens their bargaining prowess in the economic sector as has been clearly seen through their loss of customers. Communication- being an important tool in any organization- has been broken down as depicted in the open contradictions of the management. The different time orientation of each department has further led to the lack of understanding on the needs of each department. Alternatives Do nothing This tactic is aimed at avoiding confrontations and losing of business by the organization. This would, however, result to more severe effects to the organization’s stability and may eventually break down the whole body in the long-run. Openly confront Ms Tang The directors have to move away from their group mentality and voice their opinions to Ms Tsang. This should be done tactically so as to avoid confrontation with each other. Having such open discussions will help in bringing the organization to its feet, in terms of communication and creating awareness on the needs of the other departments. During discussion, people should control their emotions, while the members of the management should make sure they sort out issues at higher levels rather than doin g it at personal levels. People tend to work effectively, and self motivated when their boss incorporates their views in making decisions for the organization (McGregor 1960). Re-structuring the organization The management should consider reconstructing the organization. One of the alternatives would be to convert the departments from process oriented to market oriented. This would allow flexibility within the organisation and so the ease with which the departments would interchange their roles. This will also equip each department with wider skills in different fields, hence breaking the job monotony. This also makes the workers feel more involved and appreciated, which boosts their attitude towards work. This, however, poses a risk of decrease in communication at work and lack of specialisation. The restructuring process would further cost the company money, implying an increase in expenses of the organization. This also means that workers will have to be trained in whichever fiel d they are allocated. Introduction of the involvement culture This involves participation of the employees towards the organization’s activities such as getting their views on both the internal and external factors affecting the organization. The organization should consider setting up service boxes where the employees, as well as customers, give their observations on what they suppose should be done in achieving the organization’s goals. This helps in increasing the loyalty and commitment of the workers to the company. Pluto telecommunications should be encouraged to employ the aspect of adaptability culture. This will make it responsive towards the customer’s needs, whilst taking care of the employees’ welfare. Changing and improving on the reward system The rewards offered should not only result to short-term achievements, but should most importantly factor in long-term achievements alike. Efforts should be directed at coming up with intrinsic motivati on factors, other than relying on extrinsic factors alone. The organisation should as well come up with a flexible system in which the employees are free to decide on the best way of having their benefits, such as choosing from holidays, being given shopping vouchers, subsidising their medical fee or school fees for their siblings and so on. The employee’s needs should be listened to and possible ways of providing assistance explored. This gives the employee a feeling of self-worth and being appreciated (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Replacement of the directors Another option will be choosing on new departmental directors. This will clear the personal grudges carried by the current managers into their offices. It will once again open up communication channels between departments, while at the same time harnessing new skills and ideas from the fresh appointees. The new appointees will be eager to make work in their new positions, and also willing to effect any changes. The main drawback, however, will be in the time they will take in settling down and strengthening the relationship with other employees (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Organizing regular meetings and centralising departments This will help in strengthening the communication between the directors and Ms Tsang, and will help departmental directors in knowing the progress of each department other than only their own; moreover, centralising the departments will make it easier to monitor their progress. This will also be easier for them to communicate personally and settle any disputes as well as share ideas on the way forward. However, this will mean constructing new offices and facilitating the movements (Handy 1993). Recommendations As an immediate cause of action to salvage the organization, the directors should voice their opinions and agree to correct on their mistakes. This should be done in a respective and constructive manner. Secondly, introduction of regular meetings will help in restoring the communication channel and possibly resolving the conflicts. For the long-term cause; there is a need to modify the culture of the entity, to make it involvement focused, with the objective of creating a cohesive relationship among the three departments. Focus should be shifted from extrinsic motivational factors to intrinsic factors with clear goals and guidelines. Employees are encouraged to work together as a team through the introduction of a variety of motivational factors. Pluto ensures that each department understands the role of each other (Allcom 1991). Plan of action A plan of action involves organizing for the meeting of directors so as to discuss pertinent issues and resolve their individual differences. This should take around four days. It should involve establishing of weekly meetings aimed at assessing the progress of the organization and making relevant adjustments. This should take a number of weeks. Introduction of the involvement culture should take a few mon ths (Buchanan Huczynski 2007). Bibliography Allcom, S. 1991, Workplace superstars in resistant organisations, Quarum books, New York. Beer, M. 1990, Organizational Behaviour and Development. Harvard University. Web. Buchanan, D. A. Huczynski, A. H. 2007, Organizational Behaviour, 7th edn, Prentice Hall, London. Handy, C. B. Aitken, R. 1986, Understanding shools as organizations, Penguin Books, London. Handy, C. 1993, Understanding Organizations, Penguin, London. Lawrence, P. R. Lorsch, J. W. 1967, Differentiation and Integration in Complex Organizations. Web. Locke, E. A. and Latham, G. P. 1990, A Theory of Goal Setting and Task Performance. Prentice Hall, New Jersey. McGregor, D. 1960, The Human Side of Enterprise. Web. Michels, R. 1911, The Iron Law of Oligarchy. Web. Organizational analysis 2012, Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online. Web. Rural Development Initiatives 2001, Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Organizational Analysis (SWOT). Web. This case study on Pluto Telecommunications was written and submitted by user Bennett Cabrera to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Machiavelli and Aristotle essays

Machiavelli and Aristotle essays Since pre-school weve been taught to do onto others as you would like them to do to you. Clearly Niccolo Machiavelli missed that lesson! He does however realize how important it is to be a good leader; however he does feel that its necessary to sometimes risk the love of the people in order to achieve greater success. According to Aristotle power and happiness lies in virtue whereas Machiavelli believes that power and happiness lies in not necessarily being virtuous but at least appearing to be. Ultimately, power has nothing to do with happiness for Aristotle; unfortunately power has everything to do with happiness for Machiavelli, where in lies the dramatic difference between the two men. Machiavelli wrote a guide about how to attain political power by whatever means necessary, so you can obviously conclude that the man doesnt have many morals. Hes all about getting to the top no matter what it takes. Its not so much that Machiavelli disagrees with Aristotles views but that in some sense considers them to be naive. Aristotle would want his political leader to be charitable no matter what the costs, however this could possibly leave him broke to uphold his status. Machiavellis idea of a perfect leader is a frugal leader. Instead of giving to everyone, you only give to such people like soldiers, that way you may not be loved by everyone but at least youre not hated and youre not broke either! You never get anywhere in life if you do what everyone wants you to do. Virtue is not always the answer, even if its a good one. As the saying goes, nice guys finish last. Im assuming that by the sound of it, that would be Machiavellis motto. I wish it werent true, but in m ost cases you have to knock someone down to get to the top. However, why is it so important to get to the top? Sure, its all good and well but its not the answer ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Human Resource Issues in Setting up Projects in France Essay

Human Resource Issues in Setting up Projects in France - Essay Example Managers must screen the external environment before entering the market. If these factors are neglected before going to the country, organization may end up in loosing huge amount of money and resources (Human Resource Management, pg 1, 2008). That is why HR managers should consider all the aspects very carefully as the availability of the required labor force also depend upon these factors. Other than that a company has to answer the question that why they want to go to that country, who will be the workers, what will be the structure, from where will the finances come and what are the legal requirements to consider. As a HR manager ones job is to find out about the labor force availability and the legal requirements. Both the areas are the most important areas for the company to enter in a new country, as workers are the one who are responsible for running the business, where as legal laws keeps a check on your activities and business (Globalization and Environment, pg 2, 2009). The final decision is highly based on the report submitted by the HR manager. It is not a surprising thing that a company wants to do business in France, the simplest reason is that the company wants to enter into the worlds 6th economic power, which is open to all and has been a center of innovation, lifestyle and creativity. There are many reason... As there are benefits for setting up a business in France, there are drawbacks as well, and to minimize those drawbacks Human Resource manager has to use different approaches to analyze the environment of the country (Rose, pg 123, 2006). One such approach is PEST (Political, economical, social and technological) analysis. It is a very useful tool to screen the environment of any country. The analysis helps the company to set the directions, predict the growth and decline and environment for operations (Mathis & Jackson, pg 132, 2006). PEST Analysis of France Political environment: The political environment is stable in the country for the new investors from abroad. Government has formed policies to support such business and at the same time safeguarding the interest of the employees by giving flexible working hours and good retirement packages. There is no political uncertainty in the country, thus it is safe to invest as far as political factors are concerned (Mathis & Jackson, pg 110, 2006). Environmental conditions: 80% of the countries electricity is generated through nuclear plants, where are the main source of increase in temperature, where as, being the industrial country it is now facing environmental challenges. Thus any new business will have to deal with new environmental policies in order to set up the business (Daft, pg 123, 2001). Social environment: France is one of the most liberal countries in the world, but still face some social issues such as the diversity of among its residents and their life style conflicts. There is a huge % of child born with out a married couple and increase

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Barclays Bank Seychelles Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 10250 words

Barclays Bank Seychelles - Dissertation Example 1.1 Reasons for Topic Area and Choosing Particular Organization 4 1.2 Project Objectives and Research Questions 5 1.3 Overall Research Approach 5 PART 2 - INFORMATION GATHERING AND ACCOUNTING /BUSINESS TECHNIQUES 8 2.1 Sources of Information for Analysis and Evaluation 8 2.2 Methods Employed to Collect Information 8 2.3 Discussion of the limitations of information gathered 9 2.4 Ethical issues during information gathering 9 2.5 Accounting and/or business techniques used as explained with discussion of their limitations 10 2.5.1 Assumptions in the preparation of financial statements 11 2.5.2 Resulting limitations in financial statements based on assumptions 12 2.5.3 Limitations of Ratio Analysis 14 PART 3 – RESULTS, ANALYSIS, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 16 3.1.1 Description of Results Obtained and Their Limitations 16 3.1.2 Limitations of Results Obtained. 16 3.2 Presentation of results 17 3.3 Critical Analysis/Evaluation of Results and Explanations of Significant Findings 23 3.3.1 Brief Introduction 23 Overview of the activities of BSS 23 3.3.2. Analysis and Discussion 24 Profitability and Efficiency 24 How interest income as major source of revenue behaved for the last three years? 24 Profitability phenomenally high after interest expenses has been deducted 26 evidence profitability and efficiency 27 Liquidity 30 Liquidity as observed against profitability 31 ... 37 37 4.4 How has undertaking the (Research and Analysis Project) RAP helped you in your accountancy studies and/or current employment role? 38 4.4.1 The financial statements and profitability, efficiency, liquidity and solvency and wealth maximization 39 4.4.2 A group of stakeholders along with owners of the business need to meet their needs as well. 41 4.4.3 To satisfy the needs of stakeholders decision makers must have accountability 42 42 References: 45 Part 1 – Project objectives and overall research approach 1.1 Reasons for Topic Area and Choosing Particular Organization The reason for choosing my project topic area – an analysis of business and financial performance – is to the see the most appropriate application of knowledge regarding and choosing the particular organization that was the focus of your research work. Doing this would be as way to have a strong basis for experiential learning outcome of the BSc (Hons) Applied in Accounting degree programme . What else could be more experiential at this point than to talk and research about a real organization like Barclays Bank Seychelles? Applying ACCA previous learning would be most appropriate when one sees the real events of the events and assuming from the point of view of research that conclusions recommendations for decision makers is something more than an ordinary management act. If I assume as one of the owners of the bank, it would be like asking whether I should maintain my investments with the bank after I have known and researched more information about the company. What else could be more interesting? Choosing a bank like that of Barclays Bank Seychelles (BSS) allows availability of some information for analysis including the financial statements and industry data. Choosing the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Cultural background Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Cultural background - Essay Example My father is a Spanish who lived in Venezuela and travelled a lot to Spain. It is a common tradition for Hispanics to stay with relatives while on short vacations and so my father did. Being a capable member of the family, he took the responsibilities of every extended family member experiencing financial difficulties, sicknesses, and other life issues. In Hispanic culture, individual in the same family are vested with the responsibility of taking care of those unfortunate in the same family. Hispanic parents instil the importance of honour, respect for the elderly, good manners, and respect to authority to their children right from their childhood. Some common etiquette includes a handshake, a hug and a kiss on the cheek to signify greetings. The Hispanics have common attire that is worn to various important places including the church, or social gatherings. From the Hispanic culture, I have learnt the importance of placing great value on my looks as a sense of honour, pride, and dignity. I am a religious person and most of the Hispanic’s are, most of them professing the Roman Catholic faith. My mother being from Venezuela, we have adopted some of their cultures like love for Venezuelan fine arts, music and dances, and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Samsung Key Drivers For Future Growth Management Essay

Samsung Key Drivers For Future Growth Management Essay The involvement of Samsung in electronic and mobile market needs them to survive within the industries for the next 20 years. In the other it means that Samsung have to set their key drivers that can allow them archive as well as a benchmark for the future growth. This key driver also is based on Samsung achievements and capabilities that they have now and then to continue with adding some more new keys to guide them to realize their vision and mission. The keys driver for Samsung future growth is also known as their sustainability in present towards the future. Focusing on Samsung Electronics, Samsung sustainability showed that their performance in surviving the industries and can be also as a benchmark to survive in the future. According to Nidomulu and Prahalad (2009) company that make sustainability a goal will achieve competitive advantage in the future , that mean rethinking business models as well as technologies, products and processes. In 2010, Samsung sustainability perform ance and plan focusing on talent management, integrity management, green management, social contribution, partners collaboration and products/services. For 2011 they set 9 material issues as a guidance to sustainability in future growth; (1) Creative Organizational Culture (2) Employee Health and Safety (3) Integrity Management (4) Increasing Social Contribution (5) Patent (6) Climate Change and Energy (7) Water Management (8) Mutual Growth (9) Supplier CSR(Corporate Social Responsibilities) based on Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2012. 4.1 Samsung Electronic 2011 Sustainability Plan For Talent Management plan in 2011, Samsung plan to, introduce telecommuting/ work at home scheme for married employees, increase percentage of female executive, set up idea proposal system at oversea research centers and hire new recruits with disabilities. Samsung plan on Integrity Management was to improve compliance program also related activities, declare compliance management and signing of the compliance agreement by employees. Instead of talent and integrity management Samsung also focus on Green Management plan which the plan to set 96% ratio of Eco-product development, set long/mid-term targets for water management, build a global environmental management system and support for outside country partners environment management system. In developing Social Contribution Samsung plan to introduce new regional social contribution based on global guidelines (Samsung Hope for Children) and to create tools in assessing impact of social contribution programs. Samsung needs a supporti ve partner in order to help them achieving their vision and sustain. Partner Collaboration plan for 2011 is to sign agreement for mutual growth as well as conducting monitor on progress in mutual growth and assess partner companies CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities). The last plan for products and services are to expand outside country service centers and have more subsidiaries company and receive Korea as well as international awards for their products and services. The plan of sustainability was create in 2010 and will be apply in 2011. Samsung key drivers are based on their stakeholder, environment and their threat. It now translate to 9 material issue to be more focusing on that particular factor that can drive them to sustainability in future growth. 4.2 Samsung Electronics Sustainability Reports 2012 Samsung Electronics Sustainability Reports 2012 is based on performance in 2011 and the plan that to be apply in 2012. Samsung rank in 73rd in the most sustainable corporation in the world. Samsung Electronics core business including of the manufacture and sales of digital media devices (mobile phone, digital TVs, refrigerators, air conditioners, monitors, printers and communication systems) and components (memory chips). Instead of Samsung headquarters in Korea they now have nine subsidiaries in certain region in the world which responsible in managing production and sales. Beside their successful in hardware manufacturing, Samsung is will become the new leader of the IT industry when they started strengthening theirs soft power capacity. As their vision to realize which includes achieving targeted sales of USD 400 billion, becoming one of the 10 most admired companies and one of the top 5 global brands and in the world. Samsung Electronics manages theirs businesses base to Samsung different types in technology, consumers and market in Device Solutions (DS) or Digital Media and Communications (DMC) division, consolidating their independent operating structure. Digital Media Communications is gathered into Consumer Electronics (CE) and IT and Mobile Communications (IM) divisions. The Consumer Electronics division is in charge of home appliances department and visual display business department. The IT and Mobile division is took charge of managing IT Solutions, wireless businesses, Network business, the Media Solution Center and digital imaging displays . This strategy gives changes which were made to the employment in hiring of soft power experts that become more value than before in the Smart era. They had announced their intention to do a technical shift by turn to a soft driven company and made a Software center to increase their software capacity until its on a right track with their world most wanted manufacturing. Shifts in the Device Solutions (DS) divi sion can also bringing extension of the organizations in charge of controller, software and solution development to make sure different teams. The extension of the software connected organizations was made to realize Samsung Electronics vision of creating experience and new value by merging Samsungs strength in hardware design together with an emotionally attracting user interface and optimized software. Samsung Electronics also enhanced the organization took charge of medical and bio device business then they expanded the Bio Lab at Samsung Technology Research Center into the Bio Research Center. They also appointed bio material experts to consolidate their research in the area and upgraded support for bio medical and bio similar research. Samsung Electronics Division Market Share (%) source Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2012 They plan to become IT industry restructuring due to the appearance of cross-sector industries and resumed global economic decline. Samsung Electronics plans to make the largest investment ever to tighten the competitiveness advantages of present businesses and set up the foundation of new businesses potential to drive Samsung especially in Electronics Industries growth in the future. In 2011, they invested KRW (Korean Won) 13 trillion in facility expansion for semiconductors manufacturer and KRW (Korean Won) 6.4 trillion in display panel manufacture (10% greater investment than originally planned). They also building R5 (new research center) which is now under construction in the Samsung Digital City (estimate completion 2013) the landmark of IT and RD will estimate have more than 23 thousand researchers. They also plan to combine more than 15 core component research centers including their memory, semiconductor and LSI research centers. The new center will give the foundation for t heir research and development in existing product and for the next-generation display technologies and the new non-memory semiconductors. For the future Samsung Electronics is on establishing a bio-business and medical. For medical industry they invest KRW (Korean Won) 1.2 trillion in expecting sales of KRW (Korean Won) 10 trillion by 2020.. They were also nurturing a bio-similar (bio medicine) and already developed a digital x-ray that using visual information processing and digital technologies in photo-taking. Quintiles (Samsung Electronic Subsidiaries) had established Samsung Bioepis in 2012 and Samsung Biologics in April 2011. In 2016, Samsung Bioepis will start global sales of Bio-similar products and manage international clinical testing. The bio-similar business capacity will consisting of product licensing, manufacture development, clinical testing, and sales capacity. For software development strategy they increase the number of software engineer in order to meet their software development capacity. In order to realize their vision and future growth Samsung has; (1) started the software development to produce more appropriated and smarter software for Samsung gadgets and devices. (2) Initiated the Media Solution Center in the Silicon Valley, America that specializes in software to build service development and capacity on content. (3) Operating training programs and recruiting talented software engineers to maximize their capacity.(4) created a new engaged employees group S to conduct core software experts in operating systems, smart TV software and mobile apps ( August 2011). (5) Created a special talent-based employing process for software (S workforce group) alternative of a more standardized process that exactly like to RD staff employing. Samsung created a new Software Academy (for short-term training) that has the ability to train for more than five thousand employees in order to achieve 50% of software training needs. 4.3 The Live Smart Product and Samsung Stakeholders People nowadays tend to the term Smart Work, new office working style using the mobile device and Internet. It is assist people to enlarge the scope of collaboration also to improved work productivity. They produce notebook of 50% thinner with transition between application and faster start-up (application of file storage between smart devices and PC). Eco-driver Printer function which saves toner usage with the same quality. The function of Eco-simulator can also save electricity and paper. The smart printing application is enables direct printing from mobile devices (smartphones and tablet PCs).In Smart Life even you are not at home Samsung give your chance to control your air conditioner, washing your cloth and even clean your house . All of Samsung appliance can save electricity and assist your in house job. Samsung Smart Robot Cleaner (based on vacuum technology) has cleaning efficiency of 93% with extended battery life by 30% it is equipped with on-board camera (for smart view function) also with the function of video conference. Samsung Smart Refrigerator assist people to manage food using the touch screen interface that connect to online store (Food Manager Application) Samsung Electronic Domestic and Overseas Workforce 2009-2011 (Source Samsung Sustainability Report 2012) Samsung actively reported their quarterly business results, Corporate Social Responsibilities CSR policies and achievements with their shareholders and investors. The Social Responsible Investment (SRI) companies always make a visit the Samsung Electronics Headquarter in Seoul Korea to discuss CSR issues that equivalent to the electronics industry. They discuss about environmental management targets, waste management and occupational safety issues. In 2011 customers inquiries increased dramatically on Samsung Electronics CSR. Samsung created online open communication platform (LiVE) for employees of all ranks. The LiVE platform allow all employees to post memos, give opinion and communicate among themselves in real time for fast responses/ NGO (Non-Government Organizational) always collecting information, conducting interviews with executive and make site visits to Samsung Electronics. Samsung Electronics has been actively responses to past various issues raised by NGO and always remain communicate with them. Sharing growth among large companies and SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) was the Government South Korean policy focus in 2011. Samsung Electronics joined in a public-private dialogue by the Shared Growth Committee, be a member of Korea Business Council for Sustainable Development, and actively communicated their opinions on energy-related and climate policies. Samsung Electronics has made variety communication channels to collect opinions from their suppliers. Their supplier grievance and complaint ha ndling system allow them to state their problems and find solutions. They were also responding supplier opinions and collected through seminar and training sessions. 4.4 Samsung 9 Material Issues as Key Driver for Future Growth The previous three years, Samsung focus their sustainability six key performance area including talent management, integrity management, green management, social contribution, partners collaboration and products/services s. However, they have decided to comprise global issues that have the potential to affect their business activities as well as its overall competitiveness in order to gain relationship with their stakeholders. Nine key issues have been selected through the process; Creative Organizational Culture; Employee Health and Safety ; Integrity Management ;Increasing Social Contribution; Patent ;Climate Change and Energy ;Water Management ;Mutual Growth; Supplier CSR 4.4.1 Creative Organizational Structure The first key driver for future growth is the creative organizational structure it include the work life balance through work smart; establishing a work culture that encourages learning and development; talent-based recruiting of software and design experts; and diversity management (female employee disable employee, global diversity) in establishing a work culture that encourages learning and development Samsung electronics improving productivity by applying a flexible work schedule, effective time management as employee can arrive at work between 6.00 am and 1.00 pm. Through Creative Development Research Institute System, Samsung provide their employees with opportunities to attain creative new ideas which take professional incenses and all advantage of their talents towards that encourages taking risks. This system encourages Samsung employees to develop creative idea. During the system they are free from their core job and no penalty occurs if the employee not achieves the goals. The first product came from the institute is the eyecan for disable user substitute for pc mouse. Samsung aggressively hiring most talented software engineer in order to archive their goal and vision. In diversity management Samsung hiring more female worker due to flexible working for those whose have small child to take care. The flexible work allowed them to work at home. Beside that Samsung also establish in house child care facilities for their workers. Samsung show their concern on hiring the disable employee and for now they have 1,100 disable worker in the othe r hand Samsung help them to develop their carrier and give them opportunity to live in better business world and society Source Samsung sustainability report 2012 4.4.2 Employee Health and Safety To help employees monitor their health, Samsung Electronics provides annual health checks. Their employees have opportunities to get advice with health experts like doctors and nurses. The leading problem for employee is work stress that risk to personal health also business management. Samsung operating consultation centers, conducting meditation programs and yoga lessons, and volunteer activities to help their workers remain productive in a supportive working environment. Their effort is also in establishing Musculoskeletal Disorder Prevention Center, hiring full-time sports science experts teams, publishing a safety guide on non-work related activities and establishing Employee Health Research Center. The Employee Health Research Center is focusing on 4 areas of research including, analysis of new production processes as well as materials and epidemiology, toxicology of hazardous materials, the work environment ,with a vision of becoming an industry leading occupational health and environment research center. The role of Health Research Centre (Source Samsung Sustainability 2012) 4.4.3 Integrity Management Samsung Electronic integrity management focus on established compliance team towards for realizing their vision in expansion global market. In 2011, they have expanded their Global Legal Affairs Compliance Team from two hundred to two hundred seventy employee for more effective operation. The compliance program divides to 3 compliance awareness that is prevention, monitoring and follow-up. In prevention awareness it is include of employee education, compliance manual, compliance self-test system, operation of a help desk, sensing on laws and regulation and report. The monitoring process focusing on regular and non-regular monitoring by members of compliance organization units. The last component is the post management/ follow up that consist analysis of case of incompliance to identify improvement measures and employee training for prevention of recurrence. In order to establish on internal awareness compliance Samsung has to strengthen and developed the training program for existing and new employee. 4.4.4 Increasing Social Contribution The economic crisis nowadays result to the bigger gap between rich and poor, as well as the increasing unemployment rate, bringing high demand for more responsible capitalism. In the other point of view, the society is demanding the business sector to take action and responsibility for problems occur instead of depending on the government. Rely on that, Samsung Electronics believes that they must take responsible in remaining and improving the sustainability of local communities in within their area. Samsung Electronics has their own mechanize to increasing their fundamental contribution programs in volunteer activities and donations. One of their programs is Samsung Hope For Children that has been conducted in 30 countries with different 9 regions. The program focused on supporting education and good health of youth and children. As same also on Samsung subsidiaries in different countries managed various support programs including low-income youth health benefits, youth education su pport and job trainings, designed for needs of the children and youth of local communities. The other social contribution that has been conducted by Samsung Electronics in South Africa are employees volunteer program (employee sent to Sudan, Zambia), engineering academy, solar energy lantern and solar internet school. 4.4.5 Patent The patenting issues on technology now is major problem from preventing imitate of Samsung Electronics product. They have failed in defending their designed against Apple and have been sued in total USD 1 billion. In addition, as the competition in IT technology is ever emphasizing, while the intention of various IT technologies is in trend, the patent resists are bound to become aggressive. Besides that, the rapid technology innovation cycles that has increased patent competition. Samsung Electronics increased the strength of their workforce importantly and reorganized the patent related organization for purpose to protect their know-how in technology .To sustain in technology competition in 2010 the rapid decision making resulting in establishes the Intellectual Property Center (IP Center), that affiliated with the Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology ( including hiring outside expert Samsung strategy on securing pattern issues is by partnerships. Samsung Electronics proved the huge strength of their patent protection portfolio by signing cross patent contracts which allow a broader cross use of patents with other global IT companies. They collaborate with Qualcomm (mobile phones), Rambus (entire semiconductor products), Sharp (LCD panel module) and in Kodak (camera technology), and in 2010, also followed by deals with Microsoft (MS) and IBM for the cross license of technologies of the mobile phone operation system. The same strategy also applied by Samsung in using pattern license of Google Android operating systems. From the partnership they also gain new innovative in production future technology. 4.4.6 Climate Change and Energy Concerning of Climate change has become one of the most important global issues. Climate change is already causing many people in daily lives with unexpected weather conditions, flooding and draughts, the function of greenhouse gas (GHG) management has become a key challenge for the global community due to reduce the impact on climate change. Samsung Electronic has establishing Climate Change Mitigation System EM 201 in 2009 They also established a greenhouse gas emission management system that can monitors direct and indirect emissions connected with all business activities including global partners, logistics, manufacturing, product use and workers work related travels. Samsung are carefully monitoring each source of Greenhouse Gas emissions and getting reductions to fulfill their corporate responsibility (CSR) in reducing climate change. Product energy efficiency improvement makes reduction average energy consumption of products by 40% and achieving 0.5 W of standby power by 2013. Supplier support is for the establishment of global suppliers GHG inventory system by offering training and expertise sharing to global suppliers. Implementation if energy management system and establishment of internal energy efficiency certification system subjected to all business sites in Korea. Incorporation of GHG reduction facilities is the reduction F-gas emission from the semiconductor and LCD manufacturing. Samsung Electronics low carbon product certification winner is on LED TV, Note PC and semiconductor Low Carbon Product Certification Winners (Source Samsung Electronics Sustainability Report 2102) 4.4.7 Water Management The other major factor and issue in this key driver in future growth is how Samsung can manage the water sources (Water Management). Samsung semiconductor manufacture is responsible on daily consumption 0f 7500- 15000 tons of pure water. As a leading semiconductor manufacturer, Samsung is now on high responsible in water management in order to maintain water resources. Samsung Electronics Water Management Resource policy recognizes the importance of water resources in the sustainability of business and society management, and provides to its protection as a responsible corporate citizen of worldwide community. According to Samsung Electronic Sustainability Report 2012, there are several of code conducts; (1) Strive to minimize water risk impact by our business activities. Analyze the impacts of our products, production activities and services make on water resources and minimize risks by identifying and implementing new technologies; (2) instill an awareness of the importance of water resources as a part of our corporate culture. Integrate the importance of water resource protection and sustainability management into the corporate culture and ensure responsible water resource management by employees with the highest consideration for the impact on local communities and the environment. (3) Proactively cooperate with public water policies. Proactive ly contribute to the establishment and implementation of water resource management policies by international institutes; the government and local authorities in line with relevant guidelines; (4) disclose our policies and activities on water resource management. Disclose company policies and activities related to water resource use to stakeholders including local communities in a transparent manner. 4.4.8 Mutual Growth Samsung Electronics expanding their support programs for outstanding 1st tier suppliers to become worldwide companies, and we start providing different support policies for 2nd and 3rd -tier companies to achieve shared growth. They developed key programs to support supplier shared growth including technological supports, training, also provision of support funds. They then strengthened communication and more carefully listened to their suppliers through an effort including a visit by top management to their suppliers. Samsung announced shared growth implementation policies; financial support programs for 1st and 2nd tier suppliers, support for 2nd tier supplier competitiveness building, increased trade opportunities, technology innovation contest, cultivation of global SMEs (Small Medium Enterprise) and incentives for 1st tier suppliers with good shared growth practice. According to Samsung Sustainability Report 2012 they also plan take different kind of shared growth promotion meas ures including co-development of core parts for boosting the competitiveness of suppliers, inclusion of shared growth performance indicators in performance assessments of our employees responsible for supplier collaboration and responsive adjustment of raw material price changes in supply contracts, free use of patented technologies, support for patent registration of new technology developed by suppliers. Shared growth management implementation plan focus on ; establish a supplier support fund ; elevated qualified 2nd and 3rd tier suppliers into 1st tier supplier ; cultivate global SMEs ; implement fast-track Temporary Supplier Registration Policy for SMEs with Innovative ideas or new technology. As for the share growth on expected benefits to suppliers is focusing on; funding for investment in facilities and R&D; access to greater supplier benefits, improved credibility in market; strengthened reputation as official partners of Samsung electronics; increased business opportunities for companies without prior business relationship; increased sales of supplier products with funding and technical support; more transparent and responsive communication between suppliers and Samsung 4.4.9 Supplier CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities) Samsung Electronics is enduring by the EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalitions) basic code of conduct as a guideline for fulfilling their CSR (corporate social responsibility). They have provided the development of a CSR management structure by supplier companies and incorporated CSR activities as a part of their supplier evaluation criteria to further incentivize their participation in CSR activities. Samsung also applied a 3rd party validation program of supplier CSR activities. Developing Corporate Social Responsibilities activities is a part of supplier evaluation of Samsung Electronics. They have been managing annual supplier evaluations using criteria consisting technological competitiveness and other internal criteria to identify leading suppliers. In additional, the company has provided financial support and collaborative technology development opportunities. In 2011, Corporate Social Responsibilities achievements and activities have been a part of the evaluation cri teria previously; they increased their importance in the overall evaluation. The CSR activity evaluation criteria including 20 different areas covering the EICC (Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalitions) basic code of conduct, consisting a ban on environmental management , child labor and occupational health and safety.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What The Human Genome Revolution Could Mean For Me And The Rio Grande V

What The Human Genome Revolution Could Mean For Me And The Rio Grande Valley The human genome revolution will have as big an impact on the average person as it does on the scientist researching it. Millions of people throughout the world will benefit from this experimentation. Understanding genetic material and the ability to pinpoint errors in genes, may lead to the prevention of many genetic diseases. The ultimate goal is to use research to develop new ways to treat, care, or even prevent the thousands of diseases that afflict humankind. Although the scientific community delivers many contributions to this scientific accomplishment, the road to a new age of disease free human life is long and rocky with struggles and disbelief. Whether inherited or resulting from the body’s response to environmental stresses, all diseases have a genetic component. The advances in this field hold an excellent future for treating and curing genetic diseases. Scientists can do this by using normal genes to supplement defective genes and to bolster immunity t o disease. In the Rio Grande Valley, an area dominated by Hispanic ancestry, many genetic diseases, such as diabetes, are common illnesses suffered by many people. According to the Mendelian Laws of Heredity, diabetes is an inherited disease, resulting from a recessive trait and affecting millions of people throughout the United States, especially people of Hispanic origins. When the body cannot make full use of some foods we eat, mainly carbohydrates of sugars and starches, a large gland under the stomach called the pancreas does not make available enough insulin to burn these foods as energy or sto... ...ent of most, if not all, human diseases.† The human genome revolution affects the Rio Grande Valley and myself because it will help to treat and prevent genetic diseases that others and I may be afflicted by. This research is important, especially to couples, because every baby born deserves a chance in life in a disease free world. The research is also significant to those who suffer from diabetes; they too deserve a life free of physical illnesses and constant medical care. In my life, I personally know and love many people that have been affected by these genetic diseases and helping them receive treatment will be the greatest gift of love I could ever offer. I know there are also many people that feel the same, because everyone has a special person in their life, a family member, friend, peer or acquaintance that will benefit from this remarkable research.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Pride and Prejudice †review Essay

Jane Austen was born on December 16, 1775 to the Reverend George Austen and his wife in Hampshire, England. The sixth child out of the seven, Jane was educated mostly at her home although she and her sister, Cassandra, were sent away to school for several years when they were young. Austen wrote several novels when she was in her teens, but her major works were written later on in her life. ‘Pride and Prejudice’, was first published in 1813. Austen began writing the novel in 1796 at the age of twenty-one. The first title was originally called ‘First Impressions’. Between 1810 and 1812 ‘Pride and Prejudice’ was rewritten for publication. ‘Pride and Prejudice’ is usually considered to be the most popular of Austen’s novels. This novel is mainly about people expressing both pride and prejudice in their relationships. The main theme of the novel is marriage, which reoccurs throughout the story and it is marriage which attracted Lydia to run off with Mr Wickham. There is pressure on women of these times to marry properly this is because the women need to get financial safety, not for just themselves, but also for their families too. In this novel the most important cause of marriage for a woman were financially and a high social position. The first line of the novel justifies this and explains what the novel is about. â€Å"It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife† (Chapter 1) This is a wonderful introductory line written by Jane Austen to introduce and outline much of this romantic novel. There are various reactions of Lydia going to Brighton by the Bennet family as they all have their own response and thoughts. Mr. Bennet is the husband of Mrs. Bennet and the father of Elizabeth, Jane, Mary, Kitty and Lydia. He is the master of Longbourn. He has a sarcastic humor intelligent and believes his two eldest daughters sensible, while he finds his wife and younger daughters silly. He does wants to be bothered as little as possible by his family. Even when Elizabeth warns him not to allow Lydia to go to Brighton, he does not listen to her because he does not want to be bothered with Lydia’s complaints. Mrs. Bennet is a different person does not really care about her daughter’s education. From the beginning of the novel her only obsession is to marry off her daughters to wealthy men, as she has a greed for wealth. Her only joys come from visiting others and gossip. She is a self-centered person and causes humiliation to the family due to her inappropriate behavior. Elizabeth Bennet is the second oldest of five sisters. Elizabeth is lively, smart, and intelligent. Her father and herself are not too different in their characteristics therefore she has a good relationship with her father and makes decisions wisely due to her intelligence. She is not scared to express her feelings and gets along with people very well except those who think they are far more superior to her, for example Darcy in the beginning but later on through the novel Elizabeth discovers Darcy to be a fine gentleman. Jane Bennet is the eldest Bennet daughter and is considered quite pretty by all has a good relationship with Elizabeth. She is Beautiful, friendly, sweet, sociable, humble and noble. Jane never thinks badly of anybody. Kitty Bennet is the third daughter in the family, and she is more under the influence of Lydia, Kitty follows what ever Lydia does. She effect by Lydia going off to Brighton. Mary Bennet The third oldest of the Bennet sisters, she is the most modest of the five daughters .She dislikes going out into the public, and uses her time studying instead. Lydia Bennet The youngest of the Bennet sisters, she is a self-centered girl who is the flirting kind. However she is the liveliest out of all the sisters. She is the first to get married despite her being a young teenager. She also has similar characteristics to her mother. She doesn’t really care about her family members after her marriage. The various reactions of Lydia going to Brighton are mainly negative. This is due to Lydia’s ridiculous thinking. She’s an extremely self-absorbed teenager. She has a great interest in men and particularly officers. She begins flirting with them once they have settled in the town and also admires and enjoys their presence, and exposes this in freely, in view of the fact that she has no shame. Due to her selfishness Lydia commits foolish acts which affect her and her reputation and mostly has an effect on her family. She shows a negative impression of her family by eloping with Mr Wickham mainly because she also has another four sisters who are keen to get married and their chances of doing so have diminished. She does what she likes without thinking of the consequences to come. It is like she is in a world of her own and doesn’t realise the bad reputation her family is developing because of her immature behaviour. Lydia is invited be her friend to Brighton by Mrs. Forster. Mrs. Bennet is extremely excited and pleased for Lydia’s trip to Brighton and wished all the best for her. â€Å"Mrs Bennet was diffuse in her good wishes for the felicity of her daughter and impressive in her injunctions that she would not miss the opportunity of enjoying herself as much as possible† (Chapter 41) Mrs. Bennet was totally trusting Lydia to go Brighton and thought she was old and mature to take care of her self, awareness to what the entire family is going to face shortly and how it will effect her sister’s chances of marriage. Lydia begins celebrating she is thrilled, perhaps because of the reason that she will be with the presence of the regiment. â€Å"Lydia Flew about the house in restless ecstasy, calling for everyone’s congratulations, and laughing and talking†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Chapter 41) She showed this excitement by roaming the house in happiness. She was awareness about her sister Kitty’s feelings and how degraded she feels, lonely and neglected. Kitty doesn’t understand why Mrs. Forster doesn’t ask her to come to Brighton too. â€Å"I cannot see why Mrs. Forster should not ask me as well as Lydia† (Chapter 41) Kitty as mentioned before follows Lydia in what ever she does and feels as though that she should be going as well due to her close relationship with Lydia. She becomes extremely upset, expressive and is envious towards Lydia. â€Å"The separation between her and her family was rather noisy and pathetic. Kitty was the only one who shed tears but she did weep from vexation and envy.† (Chapter 41) Kitty was mostly envious towards Lydia because of her trip to Brighton she was jealous and she wanted to go as much as her sister wanted to go. . She is saddened by the fact that Mrs. Forster requests Lydia to go and not her and can’t do anything about it. â€Å"Though I am not her particular friend. I have just as much right to be asked as she has, and more too, for I am two years older.† (Chapter 41) Kitty cannot accept the fact that she will not be going and exposes her frustration. Kitty gradually becomes resentful of Lydia’s attention. Lydia is unaware of Kitty because of her self-centeredness. Lydia and Kitty are very similar to one another when talking about their characteristics due to this, if Kitty would have gone she would have copied Lydia’s interest of men, and may have also began flirting just like her sister, and soon enough eloping with an officer and getting married just like Lydia. So by Kitty not going she may perhaps have been saved by the hazard she may have faced if she were to go. However, Elizabeth as the second oldest, was entirely aware of the situation and Lydia’s potential and capability, and is worried of what may occur if Lydia does go to Brighton. Mr. Bennet is a person who doesn’t not want to be bothered by his families problems so as a result he does not think about the damage Lydia may cause if she goes. Mr. Bennet just wants quiet and peace; by letting Lydia go perhaps he has the impression that there will be less botheration from his family. As mentioned before, Elizabeth has the same distinctiveness as her father and realizes that Lydia is not mature enough to go to Brighton so she tries and convince her father to think twice. â€Å"If you were aware.† said Elizabeth, â€Å"of the very great disadvantage to us all, which must arise from the public notice of Lydia’s unguarded and imprudent manner; nay, which has already arisen from it, I am sure you would judge differently in the affair.† (Chapter 41) Elizabeth is worried about Lydia going to Brighton and is trying her best to change her fathers mind and trying to stop her father giving Lydia permission to go. She also thinks that Kitty may be affected by this and points this out. â€Å"In this danger Kitty is also comprehended. She will follow wherever Lydia leads. Vain, ignorant, idle, and absolutely uncontrolled! â€Å" (Chapter 41) Kitty follows Lydia in everything she does and Elizabeth realises this and is concerned, and mentions it. Elizabeth also expresses her frustration also by telling her father how the rest of the family can also be affected. Mr. Bennet is well aware of Lydia and her capabilities and her attitude towards men, especially officers, but simply doesn’t care and wants her to leave for the good of the town and possibly the family, as he mentions this to Elizabeth. â€Å"We shall have no peace at Longbourn if Lydia does not go to Brighton.† (Chapter 41) This quotation shows us that Mr. Bennet has no concern about his daughters and can’t be bothered. He fails to complete his duties as a proper father to the family. It may have been because of him not listening to Elizabeth that the bad reputation that Lydia soon gives to the family. This may have happened because of his immature behavior as a father. Despite the argument between Elizabeth and her father, Lydia is still sent to Brighton. After sometime the situation in Longbourn improves and Kitty overcomes her emotions. Later Elizabeth begins to have feelings for Darcy and is quite thrilled when she hears that she is going to meet him while on a trip with her aunty Mrs. Gardiner. Elizabeth arrives at Pemberley where Mr. Darcy was also. Her relationship with Darcy was improving on a regularly for the duration of her stay. She discovered what type of man Darcy actually is. She also gets to meet Georgiana Darcy the sister of Darcy. She is found very pleasant and charming to Elizabeth by surprise. While Elizabeth was on her trip she receives letters, one of them stating that Lydia had eloped with Mr. Wickham, she was shaken by the message and totally astonished that her sister had done such a thing. The emotions Elizabeth was going through made her burst in tears. â€Å"She burst into tears as she alluded to it and for a few minutes could not speak another word, (Chapter 46) Elizabeth is obviously in disbelief and in shock. She is worries about Lydia and the reputation and shame she have bought on the family, she must be also worried about her father feeling because it was his idea to allow Lydia to go in the first place. â€Å"Lydia-the humiliation, the misery, she was bringing on them all, soon swallowed up every private care. (Chapter 46) Jane expresses her devastation and requests that Elizabeth to return as soon as possible since there is disorder and astonishment from this shameless act by Lydia. The whole family regrets sending Lydia to Brighton. M r. Bennet is going through an immensely tense emotional situation. Mr Bennet on the other hand, handles the case with ease and isn’t extremely stressed compared to the rest of the family is. Kitty was told about the news and was not surprised at all, as if she was expecting it from her sister. â€Å"To Kitty, however, it does not seem so wholly unexpected.† (Chapter 47) Jane points out this in her letter. Kitty already has negative feelings about this matter and wasn’t really surprised. Elizabeth is totally overwhelmed by sad emotions mostly due to her absence and her concern for Lydia. Mr Darcy becomes aware of this situation and decides to think of a solution to the problem, as he is trying to build up a relationship with Lydia, this could be the chance to show he cares about her and her family and can feel the pain she is going through whilst thinking about the awful reputation that her family will have to face later on. The Bennets were completely disgraced by this and were mocked and looked bad upon by the community. However, there was still a way for the family to get rid of the reputation, which the family desperately hoped for that to happen was for Wickham to marry Lydia, as that was vital for a better future for the family, especially the sisters as they still have to get married. Mr Darcy shortly takes action and meets Wickham, and completes Wickham’s demands by paying off all his debts off which then soon encouraged Wickham to decide on marring Lydia. While everyone was miserable and disgusted by Lydia’s untrustworthiness and selfishness they were quite soon relieved, after hearing that Wickham was due to marry Lydia. Darcy’s attendance was very important in this and he also deserves an immense amount of praise for doing the right thing and sort out the problem in which Elizabeth was going through. . The matter is soon solved and Lydia is back together along with her family. She feel proud that she is the first out of the five daughters to get married and her parents are very proud too especially their mother as she was excited for her daughters marriages. Conclusion â€Å"Pride and Prejudice† is a book in which we can be taught that having pride and arrogance is not liked to have in your individuality as a person. It destroys your status inside a community an example of this from the book is Mr Darcy, who in due course shows his true qualities and changes from a disliked person to well-liked Lydia is a cheerful young lady after her wedding which Mr. Darcy showed by returning the Bennet’s family reputation the right way by speaking and encouraging his friend Mr. Wickham to marry Lydia as soon as possible On the other hand, her other sister Elizabeth finds herself a man who can become a great husband for her. Mr Darcy establishes this constantly because of his support to Elizabeth and his . Mr and Mrs Bennet, Jane, Kitty and Mary are all happy for Lydia after the family come together after her marriage ceremony. . The elopement of a woman with a man was very common at that time. As we can see from Mrs Bennet’s reaction it is a painful experience upon the mother as well as the entire family. The whole community changes their sight about the Bennet family due to a self-centred person mistake by Lydia. The story also gives us an image of how romance and relationships took place during that time enabling us to compare and contrast it with the present and we can see what sort of relationships went on between the men and women of the 19th century It all shows that how one person and by a mistake can destroy the family and effect everyone else in the family especially the parents.

Friday, November 8, 2019

British Petroleum Analysis Essay Essays

British Petroleum Analysis Essay Essays British Petroleum Analysis Essay Essay British Petroleum Analysis Essay Essay IntroductionWilliam Knox D’Arcy founded BP plc. once known as British Petroleum. in 1909. they are a planetary company specialising in oil and gas. headquartered in London. England. BP has continued to turn since its origin. and now employs over 80 thousand people in 70 states worldwide ( Company History. N. D. para1 ) . Harmonizing to CNN money BP is ranked figure six among other planetary 500 companies ( Fortune Global 500. BP. n. d. ) . Its cardinal strengths are in oil and gas geographic expedition and production ; the refinement. selling and supply of crude oil merchandises ; and the fabrication and selling of chemicals. It supports all its concerns with high quality research and engineering ( Company History. N. D. para3 ) . External Environment Economic TendenciesKnowledge is power and the more cognizant you are of tendencies within the economic system. the more successful you will finally be. BP is merely one of many companies in the oil and gas industry doing an impact on environmental tendencies. A common end amongst rivals within this industry is to turn up oil and convey it to consumers. due to some of the economical tendencies this end is besides switching. The economic system is more favourable to take down gas monetary values. lower C emanations. and fuel efficiency. Companies within this industry have to equilibrate the demands of development and the demands of the economic system while seeking to protect the environment. BP has two chief countries of operation. one being the geographic expedition and production of oil and the other being refinement and selling ( BP. PLC ( BP ) . N. D. para1 ) Presently BP like many others in the industry are concentrating on ways to take down C emanations. and happening new resources of low-carbon energy. One of the ways BP is assisting conveying these ends and tendencies into fruition is the use of shale oil. Shale oil resources are being discovered allthroughout the United States. Shale oil has helped lower gas monetary values ( Oil and Gas. 2013. . para3 ) . BP late purchased Chesapeake Energy Corp’s place in the Woodford Shale-gas drama in Oklahoma for 1. 75 billion ; with this purchase they can spread out into shale gas and are trusting to add 200 million three-dimensional pess into production ( Major Oil. Meet Shale. 2008. para2 ) Harmonizing to BP they are taking assorted stairss in happening ways to cut down the sum of C dioxide emanations. One of the ways BP is cut downing C dioxide emanations is through solar energy. since solar power is carbon free. BP is one of the universes taking companies within the solar industry. offering assorted merchandises for consumer’s places and concerns. BP late started working with Home Depot to offer solar lighting. BP is besides concentrating on natural gas. which is doing up approximately 40 % of BP’s Portfolio and they are go oning to spread out to countries that have a high dependence on C. such as the United States. Mexico. and parts of Korea. Wind farms are besides triping argument as BP is looking to spread out into this country every bit good to offer C free electricity ( What Is BP Doing. N. D. para 23-27 ) . Another economic tendency that affects BP every bit good as the gas and oil industry as a whole is involvements rates. exchange rates. and the rate of rising prices. There are many factors to see when looking at the relationship between these rates and gas monetary values. For illustration. if these rates were to be raised it would impact the consumers and the fabrication costs. which would take down the sum of clip and money people spend driving. making less demand for oil. doing the monetary values to drop. The same would work if the rates lowered. set uping an inflow for consumers. which would ensue in more travelling and higher demand for gas. doing the monetary value to lift ( Parry. P. . 2013. Para4 ) . Political/ Legal There are several factors in the oil and gas markets that are affected by political relations and legalities. One of the chief factors is political agitation in the Middle East. The on-going attempts in Iraq and Afghanistan have driven the gasolene monetary values to all-time highs. More late the civil war onslaughts in Syria are doing jobs with development of Iraq’s gas and oil supplies. The Syrian forces have focused these onslaughts on the energy sector in an effort to take away their wealth since oil is chief gross. Due to this focal point the onslaughts have been chiefly on oil export grapevines. power coevals and transmittals. Fortunately. most of the onslaughts are non happening in the southern parts of Iraq where the largest supplies of oils are found ( Iraq: Syria War Spillover Hinders Oilfields. Pipelines. 2014. para3-4 ) . Oil spills into the oceans are a major factor on the political relations side of the oil and gas industries. One of the major spills by BP’s Deepwater Horizon bore in 2010. non merely took its toll on the company and the industry. but touristry. wildlife. and beaches were all to a great extent affected in the Gulf countries. Due to the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe BP is on a five-year provisional period. and there are new safety steps being implemented across the industry. there are new training process. hazard direction procedures and equipment ( BP gets record mulct for Deepwater Horion. 2012. para2 ) . Demographics Demographics refer to a company’s consumers every bit good as employees. The oil and gas industry consumer base can be related to merely about everyone. with the retail facet of the gas station including gum. drinks. bites. etc. Gasoline in general is targeted to people that are of age to buy gasolene by and large public over the age of 16. which is the legal drive age. Harmonizing to the BP web site they offer callings in assorted Fieldss such as concern substructure. commercial. technology. operations. gross revenues and support. and engineering merely to call a few. BP has employees in Europe. Africa. the Middle East. Asia and North and South America ( Career Areas. N. D ) . Employee endowment within the oil and gas industry can enforce a job industry broad. Since developing employees in these Fieldss can be really dearly-won. it is expensive to develop new employees. and industry leaders by and large offer top degree wage and inducement bundles to retain their employees. ( Vogt. C. ND. Talent Retention in the Oil A ; Gas Industry. para1 ) Technological Trends Technology is the halfway focal point of all companies within the gas and oil industries. Technology affects everything from safety operations. turn uping resources. and change overing merchandises to lower-carbon merchandises. The chief focal point of engineering within BP is safety. and has been since the Deepwater Horizon bore spilled 4. 9million barrels of oil into the H2O of the Gulf of Mexico killing 11 work forces ( BP gets record mulct for Deepwater Horizon. 2012. Para2 ) . Due to Global warming BP along with their rivals are seeking for ways to minimise nursery gas emanations. Carbon Capture is a popular method amongst the companies in this industry. Carbon Capture focuses on capturing waste C dioxide from beginnings such as dodo fuel power workss that have an surplus of waste. Once the C waste has been captured it is transported to storage sites to be released where it can non re-enter and damage the ambiance ( Sadler. T. . 2013. para7 ) . The Keystone Pipeline is another manner engineering can assist the United States achieve energy and independency. The Keystone Pipeline will run from Alberta. Canada down through the Midwest United States stoping in Texas. The Keystone Pipeline undertaking has the end to turn out all oil produces in the US entree to oil refineries. which in the long tally would cut out the Middle East as our biggest provider ( Kalen. S. 2012. para2. ) . Socio/Cultural There are several societal and cultural impacts on the oil and gas industry. The chief factor is the lifting domestic energy monetary values. Gasoline monetary values are high ensuing in the consumer paying more for gas. in bend cut downing the sum of money available for other ingestion. significance people are driving less ( McKillop. A. 2012. para1 ) . Another factor is authorities aid with fuel measures. There are legion resources to supply aid with electric and heating measures. these plans are provided on the federal and province degrees for most of the United States. These plans help providers such as BP to have payment for the services. alternatively of ungathered measures. The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program ( LIHEAP ) receives funding from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services ( DHHS ) . There are several beginnings available such as weatherization aid plan and the place energy aid plan ( HEAP ) . Although most of these plans receive funding from the province and federal authorities. there are non adequate beginnings for everyone who needs them. Global BP is an international company specialising in the oil and gas industry. BP no longer merely trades with oil and gas as shown by their chief concern activities which include the geographic expedition and production. refinement and selling and the distribution of energy every bit good as BP alternate energy. BP is ranked in the top grade of the their rivals such as Exxon. Anadarko. Chevron. Conoco Philips and Shell. Within this industry BP owns several labels as good including. Castrol. Arco. Aral. AM/PM and Wild Bean Cafe ( Our Brands. N. D. para1 ) . BP is the 3rd largest publicly traded oil company ranking behind two of its major rivals: Exxon and Shell. BP is the largest gas manufacturer in the United States with 15 treating workss ; they are besides considered a top refiner ( BP at a glimpse. 2013. para1 ) . Porters Five Forces Barriers to EntryThe Barrier to Entry degree for the oil and gas industry is high. The oil and gas industry is really hard to come in merely because of the start up costs entirely. Some of these get down up cost would be the drills. trucks. gas station locations. employees and the engineering used to turn up the resources in the land or the oceans. Entering into the industry as a specializer such as offering boring services to the major companies is more common and executable. The major barrier to entry into this industry is funding. the bulk of companies within this industry have been around for a really long clip. such as BP. which was established in 1909. Brand trueness is a immense factor in high barrier entry. since most of these big companies have a loyal client base. BP is a really good established company and has been constructing their big client base for decennaries. As defined by Hill and Jones trade name trueness is a consumer penchant for merchandises by a certain compan y ( Hill. C. . Jones. G. 2012pg58. para2 ) Suppliers Bargaining Power The bargaining power of providers is the ability providers have to raise input monetary values or to raise the cost of the industry. In BP and the oil and gas industry the providers dickering power is high. because there are realistically no replacements of the merchandise ( Hill. C. . 2012pg65. para2 ) . There are a assortment of oil and gas companies globally. nevertheless a few companies dominate the industry: BP. Shell. Exxon. etc. Buyers Dickering Power Harmonizing to Hill and Jones the bargaining power of byers is their ability to negociate lower monetary values charged by companies within an industry. They besides can raise costs by demanding better services and higher quality merchandises ( Hill. C. Jones. . G. 2012. page63-64 ) . Right now in the oil and gas industry the balance of power is resting in the custodies of the purchaser because of economic crisis and glut of merchandise. Since oil is considered a trade good and by and large all companies within the industry use the same methods for boring. the purchaser is able to seek the lower monetary values and more rewarding contracts. Substitute Product Threats Substitute merchandise menaces include the merchandises provided by companies or industries as a whole that can run into the demands of clients. The oil and gas industry does non merely intend fuel to run our vehicles. which would intend replacements would include fuels such as gas. coal solar and wind power. atomic energy and hydroelectricity. Although there are many countries refering oil and gas. the menace of replacement merchandises are low. there truly are no other beginnings to compare. Competition The companies in the oil and gas industry operate in a amalgamate industry. where the industry is dominated by a little figure of companies. BP’s biggest rivals are Exxon. Anadarko. Chevron. and Phillips anytime any of these companies make a move within the industry it warrants a response motion from its rivals. The competitions of the oil and gas industry have high issue barriers. because the demand for the merchandise is inactive due to the face that all refineries can make the same thing†¦ . green goods and refine merchandises. Firms Schemes Business SchemeHarmonizing to Hill and Jones the concern degree scheme â€Å"encompasses the concerns overall competitory subject. the manner it places itself in the market place to derive a competitory advantage and the different places schemes that can be used in different industry scenes. for illustration ; cost leading. distinction. concentrating on a peculiar niche or section of the industry or some combination of these† ( Hill. C. . Jones. G. . 2012 pg. 10 ) . Harmonizing to BP they compete in both concern to concern and concern to consumer markets with a client base in over 70 states. BP uses distinction in several ways but the major usage of this method was the usage of engineering to transform oil rigs to digital platforms. BP strives to guarantee the best quality and safety criterions. and besides modified their safety criterions after the Deepwater Horizon bore catastrophe in 2010. BP is considered a leader in the market place. They are ranked as the 6th largest company by market capitalisation. ( Facts and Figures. n. d. ) has competitory monetary values with other companies in the industry. the monetary values as a whole normally are reasonably even across the board and normally merely fluctuate by a few cents. Corporate Level Strategy Corporate degree scheme trades with what countries companies should be covering with in order to maximise profitableness ( Hill. C 2012. Page10 para3 ) . Harmonizing to BP they try to make a platform for growing and increased value over long periods of clip while go oning to turn and research new locales. They will go on their research to develop top-level safety and hazard direction criterions. and go on to develop engineering to turn up and entree hydrocarbons and ways to properly pull out them. BP will go on to do its presence in the industry known by researching alternate energy. passing about one billion per twelvemonth for this research. The current CEO of BP. Tony Hayward. stated at BP’s one-year scheme presentation that he â€Å"would be surprised if we saw chances at the corporate level†¦it is non something I am awfully focused on† ( Crooks. E. 2010 parity # 12 ) Technology Strategy Technology is at the centre of everything BP does. it is used in safety safeguards find. recovery. efficiency and low C hereafter development. Harmonizing to BP they employ over 500-safety and hazard specializer working with directors in the field to assist better decision-making regarding criterions ( BP and Technology. N. D. para1 ) . BP uses a engineering called seismal imagination. which is at the head of engineering in the industry. Through the usage of seismal imagination. sound moving ridges are used to find where oil militias are in the land. This process gives BP a major caput start in detecting oil and gas and nailing where to bore. With a focal point on a lower C hereafter BP’s chief country of growing concentrating on air current and biofuels because they have the most possible. Firms Competences Tangible Resources BP’s human resource direction gives its employees chances to see many ways to stand out within the company. Throughout their calling homo resource direction forces will profit from a wide base of support and preparation. Personal support is besides available through squad leaders. wise mans. and fellow employees. Among these employees BP besides has squads of applied scientists developing new and safer agencies of making energy. BP has employees that trade with safety steps within the company along with the environment. BP’s employees will besides move as an indispensable spouse to the concern. The employees will besides work on existent universe undertakings assisting the company range ends in bettering organisation and human capital resources. BP’s physical resources were used during the monolithic oil spill in 2010. The physical resources that were used during this clip were chiefly manpower. The man-power used were legion employees. voluntaries. and other org anisations. Since the oil spill happened in the center of the ocean. the toxins within the oil spread throughout the Gulf. along with doing its manner to the US. Over 30. 000 people responded to this major oil spill working to roll up oil. clean up beaches. take attention of animate beings and works life effected. and performed other assorted responsibilities. Another physical resource that BP uses is the natural resource of oil and gases. BP is presently in the production The Chirag Oil Project. This undertaking has started operations. increasing production from a elephantine oil field in the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea. Its major physical resource would hold to be its monolithic drill rigs and grapevines. These rigs and grapevines help pull out and transport the oil and gases that have been found and gathered. Harmonizing to the NASDAQ Annual Income Statement. BP has gone up 29 % since 2009 to 2012 in its Current Liquidity Ratio. and the Cash Liquidity Ratio has gone up approximately 12 % from 2009 to 2012. The ground BP’s liquidness ratio has risen the past old ages is due to the current liabilities. The company’s income has lowered after the monolithic oil spill. The company has lost big sums of income due to the spill by holding to supply cleaning crews. colonies to the people affected by the spill. and the loss of concern from consumers. The loss of consumers came due to the negative position of the company after the oil spill in the Gulf. Since. the Gulf oil spill. the company now stresses the importance of development without fouling the environment. Finding alternate signifiers of energy like solar and H is portion of that vision. This development besides brings in more financess to the research and development. The liability caps and the function they may hold played in promoting moral jeopardy. Just as bank sedimentations are guaranteed by authorities sedimentation insurance. and big Bankss themselves are likely to large to neglect. liability for belongings harm from oil spills off US Waterss is limited to $ 75 million ( plus killing costs ) . based on a 1990 jurisprudence passed after the Exxon Valdiz spill. This presumptively mitigates drillers’ inducements to pull off environmental hazard. Indeed. oil companies enjoy a really cosy relationship with their apparent defenders ; as the NY Times noted. â₠¬Å" decennaries of jurisprudence and usage have joined authorities and the oil industry in the chase of crude oil and net income. † The federal bureau that oversees boring. the Minerals Management Service. rakes $ 13 billion a twelvemonth in fees in what sums to a public-private partnership. The concern benefits of using a consistent attack to knowledge direction have been important. BP concern directors attributed 100s of 1000000s of dollars of added value as a direct consequence of utilizing this attack. A practical illustration of this has been in the cost decrease in the building of European retail sites. At the beginning of 1998 a challenge is set of cut downing the physique costs of retail sites in Europe by 10 % . The Alliance ( a joint venture between BP and Bovis ) is responsible for the direction of these activities in Europe. The Alliance was engaged in the benefits of cognition direction and invited the BP KM Team to assist them accomplish this result. Step alteration in costs was delivered in 1998 ( nest eggs of $ 74 million ) due to the harvest home and sharing of cognition between the undertaking engineers in Europe. This gave BP Downstream Retail competitory advantage in the Mature European Marketplace. Undertaking applied scientists in Venezuela. China. Poland. and Japan are now besides leveraging this cognition on a planetary graduated table. Similar illustrations of increased public presentation have come from BP’s KM application in rushing up concern restructuring. developing new oil A ; gas Fieldss. bettering works productiveness and speed uping new retail market entry. Intangible Resources BP has a negative repute among consumers and other people throughout the universe. Due to the monolithic oil spill and the company about traveling belly-up. its CEO and board of managers have tried to convey a more positive expression to the company. by seeking for new signifiers of clean energy. The company has ever been known for its large production of oil for legion states worldwide. Since the oil slop the company has been implementing a higher and more intense safety criterion. Although. BP has a negative repute. it has a well-known name in the oil and energy concern. Some may believe that BP is excessively big to neglect due its name and some authorities backup and support. BP has been in the oil industry since 1909. get downing out boring in Persia. Along with BP holding the largest grapevine in the universe has brought solar power to remote small towns in the Philippines due the difficult work of its employees. BP has used engineering throughout its concern to maintain up with the altering times and the demand for fuel and energy. It has scientist happening new signifiers of low-carbon energy while cut downing BP’s ain parts to carbon in the ambiance. Under this new streamer BP took bigger and bigger stairss towards turn toing clime alteration. It installed solar panels at its service Stationss. brought solar power to remote small towns in the Philippines. helped convey hydrogen-fuelled coachs to London and introduced new. cleaner types of motor fuel. It created a unit. BP Alternative Energy. devoted to doing from all the assorted types of low-carbon energy feasible. large-scale and profitable concern. These low-carbon energy beginnings are solar. air current. natural gas. and biofuels. Along with these new low-carbon energy beginnings being made. BP has besides unveiled a new manner of pull outing oil. bring forthing more oil and widening the life span of its drill rigs. The new engineering would be good for oilfields worldwide. The company is utilizing new engineering everyday as they find new and safer ways to make energy infusion. and shop oil. The company has used inventions to assist with its image in the public oculus. They have begun turning used oil and gathered oil from the monolithic spill to asphalt to be used on roads. Proof-of-concept testing confirmed that the merchandise could run into proficient demands. BP worked with transit and environmental functionaries from several provinces to carry on trials on utilizing the stuff for main road pavement undertakings. Along with the reuse of oil to asphalt. there has been a motion in the Restoration of the Gulf Coast with difficult and soft containment roars every bit good as segregated plastics besides were gathered in presenting countries along affected country and so sent to waste-to-energy installations or recycled into new plastic merchandises. One plan developed during the Deepwater Horiz on incident resulted in routing skimmed fluids to oil renewal installations. The fluids were so sent through a recovery procedure. which was able to repossess and change over some of them into marketable crude oil merchandises. Value-Added Chain BP’s inbound logistics activities are comprised of a series of many grapevines. oil oilers. and other signifiers of transit that move the extracted petroleum oil to refinement workss worldwide. The company’s monolithic planetary operations make efficient and effectual logistics that help maintain the costs of transporting rough oil depression. This efficient planetary web of transporting rough supply makes more cost advantage for BP in the long tally. Light conveyance is BP’s manner of outbound logistics as it utilizes its planetary networking to execute this logistic. The big supply and distribution logistics web allows BP to execute its light conveyance and distribution of refined oil with great efficiencies. which help in take downing costs for BP. By take downing the costs of conveyance of refined oil BP would be able to carry on more research and upgrading the low-carbon energy research. Besides this would give the company bigger budget to spread out its new engineering for making a safer boring procedure. BP’s chief operation is polishing rough oil brought in from throughout the universe. The refinement activities of this company are distributed strategically around the universe. with close propinquity to its demand markets. With its refineries strategically placed BP has the ability to make maximal efficient balances between its inbound and its outbound logistics. BP places its refineries to hold propinquity to their oil and gas Fieldss while besides being to those energy markets. The company markets its oil and gas through its huge planetary retail web. which is made up of chiefly its BP Service Stations. BP has excelled in gross revenues due to its advertisement run by utilizing the latest societal media and telecasting commercials. Another signifier of advertisement many people have seen from BP is though the intelligence Stationss. by making positive actions BP is doing a better name for itself. which markets BP’s committedness to sustainability and cleanliness in the biotic country in malice of its past failures. The company has rebranded itself as to look more-green friendly in today’s energy market. It has went as far altering its name from British Petroleum to BP. by which deducing but non saying it stands for â€Å"Beyond Petroleum† . This run includes a new expression that asserts the company’ committedness to sustainability. The advertised committedness to sustainability and green energy has created a competitory advantage for BP. Competitive Advantage Factors If it is these resources and capablenesss. in all their assorted signifiers. that create the possible for competitory advantage. the inquiry about how they can really make it remains. The initial reply is that they must be developed. coordinated and so deployed in such a manner that the company can supply goods or services more economically than others or be able to fulfill customers’ demands and wants better than challengers. the ideal being a combination of the two. Whether such competitory advantage outputs good net income watercourse. nevertheless depends on a 2nd set of judgements and determinations. The existent products/services to be provided are: the nature and size of the client market chosen. and the competitory nature of that market place. The ability to repeatedly acquire this right is another set of capablenesss. If this is done right. the resulting competitory advantage and its net income watercourse may non be sustainable. Competitors. dying to portion in the p rofitable chance. the company has uncovered will seek to follow suit. BP has two basic ways of making this. either straight copying the product/service or by supplying a good/better option. In the product/market sphere there are countless ways of accomplishing this. Merchandises may be reverse-engineered to detect their constituent parts and how they were made. Service bringing can be sampled repeatedly until the cardinal elements are identified. and so replicated. Marketing outgo can be matched. alternate distribution channels found. Even in-company resources and capablenesss can be readily emulated or copied. Good rival analysis can quickly place anything from freshly installed IT systems to specialist machine tools that have provided a competitory border. It can bring out new gross revenues or selling techniques. constituent sourcing agreements. specialised service preparation. supplier partnerships. outsourcing trades and even which confederations or joint ventures are supplying new cognition. All provide keys to imitation or permutation. Widespread acknowledgment of this has led many companies to desperation of accomplishing sustainable competitory advantage. For illustration. during the 1980s. many fiscal establishments spent one million millions on IT systems that would give them a market border. merely to watch challengers purchase better. newer. faster equipment that negated any brief advantage they had. In the 1990s. retail merchants launched recognition and trueness cards to construct selling databases. merely to watch challengers do the same. Each evident advantage rapidly turns into merely another entry ticket to play in the game. SWOT Analysis A SWOT analysis of BP will demo their strengths. failing. chances. and menaces. BP is one of the largest vertically incorporate oil and gas companies in the universe ( Research and Markets. 2010A ) . They are puting 1000000s in research and development. Timess and demand are altering. more and more consumers are traveling green. and to remain in competition with other companies they need to come up with something different. In 2010. BP is the company behind the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. Because of this crisis the company needed to make something to derive the peoples trust. In the past BP has made serious communicating errors with its stakeholders. BP’s crisis communicating was a weak nexus in its crisis direction scheme ( Valvi A ; Fragkos. 2013 ) . Strengths The strength of the company comes from demand. selling. trade name. and research and development. The company’s operations chiefly include the geographic expedition and production of gas and rough oil. every bit good as the selling and trading of natural gas. power. and natural gas liquids ( Research and Markets. 2010B ) . BP is ranked at the world’s 3rd largest energy company and is positioned as a transnational oil company headquartered in London ( Essay UK. 2013A ) : Since 2012 BP will hold invested $ 500 million into selling in the US in an effort to revamp its trade name ( Bhasin. 1012. para 1 )As I sit here watching the 2014 winter Olympics. I have seen several commercials about BP partnering with the United States. portion of its selling run.BP is the figure one taking vertically integrated company. involved in upstream. midstream and downstream oil concerns ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 5 ) . BP upstream engineering plans. involves puting in incremental betterments and new engineering that can transform the industry. The new engineering will beef up in geographic expedition. deepwater. elephantine Fieldss. and gas value ironss ( â€Å"Our major engineering. † N. D. para1 ) . Many people today are refering themselves with the environment. BP is developing alternate energy. including solar. BP has invested in solar. air current. and biofuel power. seeking to supply power without harming the environment ( Hitchcock. 2012 ) . Because of upstream engineering flagships. BP has been able to maximise resources. increase recovery rates ; real-time information engineerings are enabling safety. dependability and efficiency across operations ( â€Å"Our major engineering. N. D. . para2 ) . The company began building of a new high-performance computer science ( HPC ) centre in Houston ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 4 ) . BP was awarded a contract to unlock high force per unit area oil and gas resources in deep H2O. and planned on puting $ 100 million over 10 old ages to put up the International Center for Advanced Materials ( ICAM ) to fund research into cardinal apprehension and usage of advanced stuffs. from self-healing coatings to membranes. across the energy industry The advantages that BP has with being a vertically incorporate concerns allows them completive advantage from other companies in the planetary oil market. It provides control over the full value concatenation. enabling the company to bring forth merchandises which are used at different phases in the value concatenation ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 5 ) . Failing Between the old ages 1965 and 2010 BP has spent 1000000s from the many jobs endured: ranging from oil rigs turtling. risky substance dumping. refinery detonation. corrosion in grapevines ensuing in insulating agent escape propane monetary value use. North sea chopper accident. and eventually Deepwater Horizon good detonation ( Andrews. 2010 ) . From these jobs many died. while others were injured. The Deepwater Horizon good detonation was the worst. Congress accused the company â€Å"of keep backing informations from the ocean floor and barricading attempts by independent scientists to com up with estimations of petroleum fluxing into the Gulf each day† . The US authorities has named BP as the â€Å"responsible party† for this incident ( Andrews. 2010. pg. 20 ) . In November 2012. BP reached an understanding with the US authorities to pay $ 4 billion to decide all federal felon claims originating out of the Gulf of Mexico incident. go forthing BP with a bad repute. burdened hard currency flow. which could hinder its ability to put in new chances. and present long-run growing ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 6 ) . The company has experienced a diminution in net incomes. FY2012 recorded operating net income was $ 19. 733 million. a lessening of 50. 4 % compared to FY2011. The net net income was $ 11. 582 million. a lessening of 54 % compared to FY2011. The lessening in the operating and net net incomes of the company affected the overall profitableness of the company ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 7 ) . You would believe this was the straw that broke the camels back. Not merely did it impact the company but it besides compacted several provinces. How would BP of all time retrieve? They will be paying for many old ages to come. Opportunities BP has been disposing many of its assets to concentrate more on its strengths. So far they have sold $ 38bn worth of assets since the Deepwater Horizon calamity. and program to sell of about $ 10bn more of assets by the terminal of following twelvemonth ( BBC News. 2014 parity 17 A ; 19 ) . BP has several external chances. including by acquisition in the North Sea country. BP’s future net income by moving in the suited boundaries country in the Russia part. implement program to accomplish alternate energy methods insist of Hydrogen. natural gas. air current and solar investing ( Nhid. 2011. pg. 9A ) . Not to advert legion investings. Menaces Many of BP’s menaces are external. chiefly from the Deepwater Horizon repute. other menaces are: environmental militant. legal and political issues. which will increase the cost of operations for the company investing ( Nhid. 2011. pg. 9B ) . and moralss. The oil. gas. and petrochemicals industry is extremely competitory. High competition puts force per unit area on accessing new chances. licence costs. and merchandise monetary values. affects oil merchandises selling. and requires uninterrupted direction focal point on cut downing unit costs and bettering efficiency. while guaranting safety and operational hazard is non compromised. The execution of group scheme requires continued technological progresss and invention including progresss in geographic expedition. production. refinement. and petrochemicals fabricating engineering ( Bp. plc swot analysis. 2013. pg. 9 ) . Decision In decision. BP start up company was British Petroleum. supplying gas and oil. The company is germinating with research and development in other avenues. BP has had its ups and downs in the company. the latest being Deepwater Horizon oil spill. From this calamity they needed to take a measure back and expression at things in a new visible radiation Through all of this they are graded figure six among other planetary companies specialising in oil and gas. the 3rd largest publicly traded oil company. the world’s 3rd largest energy company. and the figure one taking vertically integrated company. who employs over 80 thousand people. Since the cost of developing top-level employees is expensive. BP offers an attractive inducement bundle to maintain them with the company. As gas monetary values surge. and transit altering the company needs to besides alter with the demand. BP is in the procedure of happening new resources of low- C energy to take down C emanation. BP is one of the universes taking companies within the solar industry. working with Home Depot offering solar lighting. Within the industry BP owns several labels. BP doesn’t have an official mission statement. but provides several different statements called: â€Å"what we do† . â€Å"What we stand for† A ; â€Å"What we value† ( â€Å"Mission statement of. † 2013 parity 1 ) â€Å"What we do: We find. develop and bring forth indispensable beginnings of energy. We turn these beginnings into merchandises that people need everyplace. The universe needs energy and this demand is turning. This energy will be in many signifiers. It is. and will ever be. critical for people and advancement everyplace. We expect to be held to high criterions in what we do. We strive to be a safety leader in our industry. a world-class operator. a good corporate citizen and a great employer. We are BP. What we stand for: Above everything. that starts with safety and excellence in our operations. This is cardinal to our success. Our attack is built on regard. being consistent and holding the bravery to make the right thing. We believe success comes from the energy of our people. We have a finding to larn and to make things better. We depend upon developing and deploying the best engineering. and constructing durable relationships. We are committed to doing a existent difference in supplying the energy the universe needs today. and in the changing universe of tomorrow. We work as one squad. We are BP. What we value: SafetyRespectExcellenceCourageOne Team† ( â€Å"Mission statement of. † 2013 para 2-4 )With the sum of money the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe costs the company. BP had to calculate out how they were traveling to last. Through SWOT analysis. and research and development they are coming up with ways to assist the hereafter turn the company. Recommended Strategic ActionPeoples in the U. S. who weren’t aware of BP. before 2010. their trade name became good known after the Deepwater oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. It left BP with a bad repute. BP needs to go on to re-build their image. Although there are many environmental challenges. BP is accommodating to the demands of a more sustainable society. desiring to be an energy company. instead than an oil company. they need to go on to maintain the consumer in head. BP R A ; D squad continues to come up with new thoughts and ways to better the environment by supplying solar. and weave energy. H. and natural gas. They have sold many assets. go on to sell more. and invest in assorted undertakings. they may desire to look donating to private organisations to assist communities. In their mission. 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