Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees Essay

Insurance Is Not Always Beneficial to Emplyees - Essay Example In the United States, for example, many employees get Insurance policy through their employers where the employers help pay the Insurance policy. When the employer insures one, it is usually through a managed care plan that are health insurance plans that provide health care facilities to members at reduced costs by laying down contracts with medical facilities and health care providers. Employer based Insurance is often much cheaper as compared to buying individual Insurance, hence many people rather have their insurance bill cut from their salaries. The United States unlike other industrialized countries has a different case in that it does not have a national Insurance System. It is important to be insured because one cannot always tell when they are going to need the medical attention. There are vast advantages of getting employee-based health insurance. In the essay, I will look at health insurance in group verses individualized context, explore the advantages of employer based health insurance plan and discuss that insurance is not always beneficial. Group verses Individualized Insurance Employment based Insurance is an example of group based Insurance. ... e of group insurance policy is that it is much easier to obtain in that there are little procedures to be followed, which would in turn delay or even terminate the whole application process like inquiring about the health history of individual members. Group insurance policy is definitely the cheapest form of insurance available. However, as compared to group insurance, there are numerous advantages of individualized insurance plans. Firstly, one is able to customize the provisions they may want included or neglected in their package. They may also choose to regulate on the deductible amount of payment that the insurance company does. It also enables individual to choose the doctor that would be conducting their services. Here the price range may be elevated as compared to group insurers, but the services are better. It may also be exceptionally costly particularly when one runs a high risk being ill or has high health risk qualities. Advantages of Employment Based Health Insurance P lans A health plan would gain more if groups of individuals with low health risks were enrolled in it as compared to unhealthy list of individuals. In the United States where the employee health insurance benefit scheme is purely voluntary, there is a great chance that a group of highly unhealthy individuals are registered in the plan. Insurers would often prefer to enroll a group of individual as compared to the specific individual. Employment based insurance groups are one of the individual groups that are always considered to be formed for the sole purpose to offer their employees health insurance. It does not discriminate and whether the individual in the group posses a high health risk than the other, they will automatically qualify for the system. Not only are employers capable of

Monday, October 28, 2019

Critical Appraisal Essay Example for Free

Critical Appraisal Essay This exclusive practical session revolves around students attachment to family doctor or general practitioner. Beforehand, a sound understanding and distinguishable comparison between these two specialty is necessary to perform this task efficiently. Family medicine is a medical specialty that provides continuing and comprehensive health care for the individual and family across all ages, genders, diseases, and all parts of the body. It is based on knowledge of the patient in the context of the family and community, emphasizing disease prevention and health promotion. According to the World Organization of Family Doctors, the aim of family medicine is to provide personal, comprehensive and continuing care for the individual in the context of the family and community. On the other hand, general practitioner is a medical practitioner who treats acute and chronic illnesses and provides preventive care and health education to patients. The good general practitioners will treat patients both as people and as a population. In some healthcare systems general practitioners work in primary care healthcare centers where they play a central role in the healthcare team. Nevertheless, in some models of care general practitioners work as single-handed practitioners. In conjunction with this block, I visited a local puskesmas to understand more about role of a general practitioner and family physician. Physical Access , Convenience and Facilities The clinic I was designated to is Puskesmas Danurejan I. The puskesmas is located in Bausasran, Danurejan in Yogyakarta. After being renovated and improvised since December 2011, Puskesmas Danurejan possesses new physical structure and more sophisticated facilities. Now, the puskesmas has a new building, whereas the ground floor serves as an infectious and non-infectious area. The puskesmas is almost 656 meter squared in size with general consultation rooms, dental consultation rooms, emergency room, pharmacy and laboratory fitted in the ground floor. On the other hand, the first floor serves as the supporting facility . This floor contains the office, hygiene and sanitation department and prayer room. This health center is located in the midst of housing estates, and therefore very accessible to those living within close proximity. The housing area is also densely populated, with numerous shops, public amenities which makes it a rather ideal and conducive stay. The puskesmas is open daily on weekdays and Saturdays from 7. 30am to 3. 00pm. The puskesmas also has a landline which makes it reachable for any prior information before the peoples visit. One distinct setback of the setting is that of, the signboard was unclear and hidden in tree branches. The direction guiding the visitors are vague and not specified. This may be inconvenient for anyone who is about to make their very first visit without prominently knowing the location. Furthermore, there were not enough parking lots near the puskesmas. The Waiting Room The waiting room is spacious, sufficient to fit about 20 patients at an instance with appropriate number of chairs provided. The cleanliness and tidiness of the waiting room is also well maintained . There were garbage bins provided. The ventilation of the room is also well considered as there are presence windows for good air movement. Huge healthcare pamphlets and banners are also seen in the waiting room, aimed educate and enlighten patients. A staff was bserved in the waiting area as she is assigned to take vital signs of the patients and direct them to the physician as their turn comes. As we were walking pass the waiting room, I noticed surreptitious gazes from the patients who were rather clueless of our enthusiastic presence with white coats. I managed to start a conversation with a few patients even before tending to the consultation room for observation. Patient Load and Examination Room The patients who visit this puskesmas are mostly from the community living within close proximity to the center. Apparently, the densely populated housing estate are attracted to the recently renovated health center. The health center receives a generous average of 40 patients daily, most probably due to the satisfactory health care received and affordable charges. The examination room is rather small but sufficient to carry out basic physical examination, equipped with racks, table for physician and an examination bed. During my observation period, the physician received 5 patients. in which 3 of them were regular patients under controlled medications (hypertension and diabetes mellitus patients), with the other 2 having ordinary fever and viral flu. According to the doctor, most of his patients are children with acute illnesses and elderly patients facing chronic diseases. However, any serious medical complication which cannot be diagnosed or treated by the doctor is referred to the possible hospital. Physician-Patient Communication Based on my observation, the physician seemed to have mastered all crucial skills in order to provide the best for the patient. Firstly, I would like to discuss about the primary care management of the physician towards the patient. The doctor successfully connects with the patient via good communication and interpersonal skills, and subsequently put the patient at ease to express his complaints and condition. Therefore, the physician is able do deal competently with the problems presented to her. Even though the physician I observed has just completed internship, she has an amazing person centered care towards each of her patient. She understands and relates her patients as individuals and developed the ability to work in partnership. The physician encountered various different cases involving different ranging from a myriad of genders, age group and illness. However, she applies specific problem-solving skills about the context-specific aspects of general practice and successfully dealt with undifferentiated illness and skills. The duration of consultancy was about 10 minutes per patient for chronic diseases like hypertension and diabetes mellitus and the interaction process took about 5 minutes. Shortly after my observation, I managed to have a word with the physician. She explained to me that the key to a good family physician is the comprehensive approach. It is about how one as a physician must be able to co-ordinate care of acute illness, chronic illness, health promotion and disease prevention in the general practice setting. Not to forget, to respect and honor the patients for an impeccable physician-patient communication. Besides she emphasized the importance to keep patients informed about their condition, listen and respect their views about their health and respond to their question. Documentation and Medical Records The medical records are stored very systematically in the center. There is an allocated room with limited accessibility to keep all of the documents safely in order to avoid breach of confidentiality of the documents. Only the administration personnel are permitted to enter. As we were informed, the documents of the medical record has been computerized using a programme called MedCis System. However, the manual means are still practiced in the physicians desk. The information is then transferred by the administration personnel. The medical record on the hysicians desk is a piece of white-colored paper with patient identity particulars such as name, age, gender, registration number, and consultation date at the top. The remainder of the page is filled up by writing by the doctor himself, which are anamnesis, medical history, drug allergies, vital sign results, physical examination results, diagnosis, treatment and prescription. By the implementation of the computerized system, loss of data due to natural disaster is prevented. Besides, the patients privacy and confidentially is recognised as the system is well secured, in the sense no changes of previous medical history is made possible. The system can only be viewed by physicians for follow-ups and patient himself upon request. Clinical Care Processes The overall process of treatment is very structured indeed. It begins with registration and recording of vital signs. Later, the patients are directed accordingly to the appropriate departments namely psychology, nutrition, general consultation and dental consultation. After receiving their treatment, they were to settle payments before collecting their prescription from the pharmacy. As per clinical care specifically, the physician has performed necessary procedures to diagnose and treat the patient. The physician accomplishes her role as a family physician very successfully. Her anamnesis was very detailed and intricate. She thoroughly skims the past medical history, medication history, and latest prescription before she proceeds further. Concerning chronic diseases of the elderly like hypertension, she initiated by asking the patient how did they feel lately and if there were any relieve or aggravation from their condition. As the temperature, height, weight, blood pressure, respiratory rate and pulse rate has been obtained earlier from the registration personnel, she proceeds with treatment and prescription. The physician prescribes simple generic medicine for the patient which was available in the pharmacy. As for the child, she performed basic physical examination as he complained of body ache. I also observed that treating an elderly person and a child requires different approach altogether. Obviously, they had to be nurtured with care and respect. The physician was seen to have given importance to personal safety by the usage of gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer. This is an undisputedly important step to prevent nosocomial infections in the health center. One setback that I observed was in terms of educating the patients. The physician only provided the patients with very minimal input and education. Payment There are several paying methods made feasible by the puskesmas to facilitate the patients, namely insurance coverage and direct payment. For instance, Jaminan Kesihatan Masyarakat, Jaminan Kesihatan Daerah, Jaminan Kesihatan Social, Jaminan Kesihatan Persendirian and Jaminana Kesihatan AKS. Patients who owns insurance coverage as mentioned need not make any payment, whereas those without pays an amount as low as RP5000. 00. However, the medications has to be purchased by the patients at their own expense. For the most part of my observation, the patients receives prescription of their medication to be purchased themselves in the pharmacies, unless generic medicines which are provided in the puskesmas. I could deduce that the charges are very affordable compared to that of private practices. Therefore, quality medical care is made accessible to everyone regardless of their economic background. This is indeed extremely favorable in reaching out to the needs of the people in an actively developing region. Discussion In the context of satisfactory health care, patients gratification is substantial. This explains why health care providers should make extraordinary efforts in providing the best achievable standards of health care. In the context of Indonesia, family medicine is developing slowly, however a clear structure and guideline for patients has not been constructed. On the other hand, due to limited number of specialist available, most specialists carry out private general practice outside their work hours. This may reduce the efficiency of the physicians due to stress and overwork. Moreover, the general practitioners training programme is not welcomed and well supported by the specialist because they are held in direct competitions with the general practitioners. Pertaining the clinical attachment, the physician tried their level best to provide appropriate health care to her patients despite the limited resources. However, there is also abundant room for improvement in terms of educating the patient about prevention of diseases and the effects of medication prescribed. Besides, the physician should have given more enlightenment when concerning lifestyle related iseases, because at all times, prevention is better than care. On the whole, the entire health care team should work on the regulations concerning controlled medication to avoid abuse and overuse. Another most crucial point in family medicine is the community orientation. Community orientation is about the physical environment of your practice population, the need to understand the interrelationship between health and social care, and the tensions that may exist between individual wants and needs and the needs of the wider community. As a conclusion, holistic approach is about your ability to understand and respect your patients’ values, culture, family beliefs and structure, and understand the ways in which these will affect the experience and management of illness and health. I am very contented to be granted an opportunity for this clinical attachment. This would, in time, help me in my future endeavors as a doctor.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Graph Theory: The Four Coloring Theorem Essay -- Graph Geography Essay

Graph Theory: The Four Coloring Theorem "Every planar map is four colorable," seems like a pretty basic and easily provable statement. However, this simple concept took over one hundred years and involved more than a dozen mathematicians to finally prove it. Throughout the century that many men pondered this idea, many other problems, solutions, and mathematical concepts were created. I find the Four Coloring Theorem to be very interesting because of it's apparent simplicity paired with it's long, laborious struggle to be proved. There is a very long and eventful history that accompanies this theorem. The concept of the Four Coloring Theorem was born in 1852 when Francis Guthrie noticed that he only needed four different colors to color in a map of England. Through his brother, Frederick, Francis communicated his discovery to De Morgan. Francis wondered if De Morgan would be able to tell him if it was true or not. De Morgan was unsure, so he asked the same question to Hamilton in Dublin. Hamilton was unable to help, so De Morgan continued to ask other prominent mathematicians. In the US, Charles Peirce attempted to prove the Four Color Conjecture in the 1860's and continued to for the remainder of his life. In 1879, Cayley wrote a paper to the Royal Geographical Society explaining the difficulties in attempting to prove the Conjecture. On July 17, 1879, a mathematician by the name of Kempe announced a proof for the Four Color Conjecture. However, eleven years later Heawood, a lecturer at Durham England, pointed out that Kempe's proof was incorrect. Along with proving Kempe wrong, Heawood was able to prove that every planar map is five colorable. In 1898, Heawood also proved that if the number of edges around a region is... ...actually quite fun as well. They don't really have a real importance in the real world. The Four Color Theorem isn't going to save any lives or make life that much easier. However, it does make map coloring more simple by requiring only four colors. Bibliography (1) Fritsh, Rudolf and Gerda, The Four-Color Theorem, Springer-Verlag, New York, Inc., 1998. (2) Harary, Frank, Graph Theory, Adison-Wesley Publishing Co., Redding, MA, 1972, p.130-131. (3) Kainen, Paul, and Saaty, Thomas, The Four Color Problem, McGraw-Hill, Inc., Great Britain, 1977. (4) The Four Color Theorem,, December 10, 1999. (5) The Four Color Theorem, Neil Robertson, Daniel P. Sanders, Paul Seymour, and Robin Thomas,, December 10, 1999.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

American history :: essays research papers

The United States Stock Market In the world today, people buy and sell to make a living. The American stock market is a great example of what it is like to buy and sell. The saying of the stock market is â€Å"buy low, sell high†. That means you buy a stock at a low price and sell it when it gets to a high price. There are two main stock exchanges. The American Stock Exchange and Nasdaq. They are what most people basically trade on. Basically the first major incident in the stock market was the Great Depression. The year of 1929 began a time period of horror in America. It was the beginning of the great depression. A time in which many lost their jobs became homeless, and went hungry. Many people had to live off the nutrition of weeds or some worked fifty - five hours and only earned seventy - five cents. The cause of the depression was the stock market crash of 1929 known to investors as Black Tuesday. Black Tuesday is said to be the most shocking financial event in the history of the United States. Not only did the stock market prices drop drastically but the business world was brought down with it. Inflation also rose because of the crash. The crash that occurred on October of 1929 caused Americans to lose Thirty billion dollars and the American dollar value was 90% less than it was prior to October of 1929. Wholesale and retail food prices dropped 40% and farm prices dropped over 60%. About four million fami lies were left unemployed and on relief support only receiving fifteen dollars a month. Because of the crash the government was required to set new regulations regarding stock market trade. The reason for this was to attempt to prevent another stock market crash from happening in the future. The depression brought about many problems not only did people have to worry about unemployment they also had to worry about crime. Many Americans tried to get easy money by taking part in robberies kidnappings and murders. In 1935 criminals out numbered carpenters four to one, grocers six to one, and doctors twenty to one. In the mid west, crooks with shotguns and Tommy Gun were a common thing. In large cities the criminals were making money off of extortion, prostitution, and auto theft. GREAT DEPRESSION TIMELINE

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Elizabethan Age – Age of Marlowe and Shakespeare

Elizabethan age was an era of extraordinary juxtaposition of whole new avenue of thoughts and avalanche of ideologies, which flowed in words of great literary geniuses. It began with the spirit of Renaissance marked by the quest for adventure and material wealth. It was the age when the minds of the people were lured by the new visions of distant lands rich in gold jewels and were swayed by the captivating charm of the beauty and loveliness. Music, dance and mirth played a significant part in their lives. On the other hand, Elizabethan era also saw the decay of moral values. From the noble class to gentry and from royalties to peasantry: people in an inexhaustible pursuit of materialism devoid from spirituality, adopted greed and corrupt values. The literature world delved deep into the psyche of the masses to illustrate the situation whereby in their quest for lavish life, they forgot that a tragic end awaits them. Both Marlowe and Shakespeare created the characters in their enduring plays Doctor Faustus and Hamlet, Prince of Denmark who became the emblem of tragic heroes. Both protagonists enjoyed a life of royalty because of their noble birth but both of their lives ended in tragedy in virtue of their most tragic flaw in their character. Their flaw was their greed and pride, which led them to pursue their evil designs and eventually their death. Marlowe’s hero is   Faustus who had extraordinary qualities and was a super human but his consuming passion reaches beyond the ordinary aspiration until he met with his fate. On the other hand, we cannot say Hamlet was lacking in moral values but he was also a conqueror and his greed to revenge the murder of his father surpassed all his good actions and deeds. For the pow er and wealth, Claudius murdered King Hamlet whose soul wanders and tortures the young Hamlet to ponder upon some foul play. Faustus and Hamlet exemplified the different faces of the human struggle of choosing between doing good and evil and how the correct or wrong choices and actions surpass the moral fiber of the individual. An overview of Dr. Faustus would reflect how a man overpowered by greed and ambition can be driven to sell his soul to the Devil but in the end would suffer the consequences of such a repugnant act. He abjured the scriptures, the Trinity and Christ to fulfill his inordinate ambition to gain super human powers by gaining mastery over unholy art of magic. By selling the soul to Devil, he lives a blasphemous life full of vain and sensual pleasures in 24 years and did not even hesitate to insult and assault the Pope with the Holy Fathers at Rome (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). Though he felt a constant dispute in his soul between his overweening ambition and conscience, he ignored such conviction until the time wherein it was too late as eternal damnation awaited him (Sparknotes 2007, Doctor Faustus). In his inordinate passion to unravel all the mysteries of the universe, he forgot that he cannot overpower the time and when ultimately the time came for the devil claim his soul, he rea lizes that his sins are unpardonable and nothing can save him. Before the devil totally snatches his soul to bring him to hell, Marlowe wrote a poignant expression of Faustus’ final soliloquy: â€Å"My God, my God, look not so fierce to me! Adders and serpents let me breathe a while! Ugly hell, gape not: come not Lucifer:   I’ll burn my books: Ah, Mephistophilis† (Marlowe1588, Scene XIV)! Shakespeare’s Hamlet told of a tragic end brought about by bitterness and revenge- but the end of Hamlet was not due to the flaw in his moral character but the waver of the mind of the noble soul to avenge the death of his father. The play began with the presence of supernatural element in the form of the Ghost of Hamlet’s father. The figure of Ghost implied the emergence of tragedy that would change the course of Hamlet’s life because of the greed of Hamlet’s uncle, Claudius who later ascended to the throne of Denmark after marrying Hamlet’s mother (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Torn between righteousness and vengeance, Hamlet decided to avenge the death of his father but as he was thoughtful by nature, he delayed the revenge and instead entered in a deep melancholy. A definitive turn of events caused Hamlet’s fit of rage happened when he attempted of to kill Claudius, mistakenly he killed Polonius. Hearing the news of the death of Polonius, Ophe lia, Hamlet’s lover, went mad with grief and killed herself by drowning in the river (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Laertes wanted to avenge his father, Polonius and his sister, Ophelia’s death. Taking the advantage of confusion, Claudius instigated Laertes for a duel with Hamlet that allowed him to position a poisoned sword in Laertes hand to use against Hamlet, as well as poisoned drink (Sparknote 2007, Hamlet). Wounded Hamlet proved Claudius’ guilt from the dying Laertes; he picked up a poisoned sword, stabbed Claudius and forced him to drink the remaining of the poisoned wine. Claudius went into the eternal doom and Hamlet too died after he had his revenge. The first point of comparison easily becomes the moral fiber that Faustus and Hamlet had as two individuals reflected different motives and different objectives throughout that frame of the play. Marlowe had captured the moral value of greed for materialistic desires in the form of Dr. Faustus’ aspirations for gaining the knowledge of black magic. He had selfish motives that were strong enough for him to bid farewell the religious values of medieval period that valued Christian principles and that focused on the Will of God. Faustus believed that â€Å"these metaphysics of magicians and necromantic books are heavenly; O, what a world of profit and delight of power, of honor of Omnipotence, Is promised to the studious artizen: All things that move between the quiet poles shall be at my command† (Marlowe 1588, Scene I).   Such a statement showed why Faustus was drawn to the black arts; he desired power and decided it was better than the traditional norms of knowledge th ey were accustomed to.   He constructed his own demise when he initiated the deal with the Devil. He considered different fields of knowledge and dismissed them to be nothing compared to black arts, seeing them as something that would make him â€Å"a mighty god† (Marlowe 1588, Scene 1 Line 62). It was this greed that dominated Faustus’ morality that led him to be impressed with Mephastophilis’ lie of his so-called freedom and power (Marlowe 1588, Scene III Lines 76-80). On the contrary, Shakespeare’s protagonist, Hamlet was presented as a noble soul and possessed strong moral convictions. Although revenge was not considered morally righteous, it was his response to the evil that was injected in his life by his father’s murder. It presented a more human response to evil and how he adapted such ways because of the circumstance and not for his own selfish desires for wealth and power. As an effect, he killed Polonius whom he had mistaken for Claudius, his father’s murderer. Hamlet believed that it was his moral duty to avenge his father for his father to rest in peace. Hamlet declared such duty when he said â€Å"The time is out of joint, O cursed spite, That ever I was born to set it right† (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene V). Furthermore, Hamlet had shown disgust to other forms of immorality within his family as shown in how he hated his mother’s relationship with Claudius (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene II). According to Studer-Pauer (1994), â€Å"He acts rather on his moral sense of duty†¦ knowing that at the same time that he is sacrificing his own happiness and life, we consider Hamlet not only morally impeccable, but, indeed, a heroic figure† (94).   The function of Hamlet’s complexity exemplifies a person’s goodness and how it can be challenged during the most difficult of situations. On the other hand, Faustus showed how some humans would not stop until they are satisfied with what they have, even reaching the most wretched of options to attain an imaginary level of satisfaction. The second point of comparison the Hamlet and Dr. Faustus in the actions they took to carry out their plans to achieve their goals. Faustus defied the medieval conventions of love, selflessness and trust to become all powerful and wealthy. He was an exaggerated manifestation of a man from the Renaissance period whereby man can go into an extreme extent to achieve his aims. Faustus pushed the limits of morality the different extents in their travels throughout Europe. There was a time wherein he even went to the pope. Mephastophilis and Faustus even used their powers to play tricks on the pope. During meal time, the two made themselves invisible to curse and to cause such a ruckus as the friars and the attendants tried to drive out the believed ghost from their presence. Faustus’ character showed that was the actually the one looking for trouble as his actions either provoked or caused it. A number of passages like the one below show the lack of wisdom Faustus held on the conce pt of hell. Mephastophilis describes hell to be any place that is not heaven. Faustus took hell merely as a continuation of the life on earth. His lack of morality blinded him from seeing the difference between him and Mephastophilis that he is not yet damned to hell for eternity and that he still had time to repent. However, he chose to see hell in a different light that made it seem a lot bearable that it was (Marlowe 1588, Scene V Lines 133-135). Hamlet’s motive was still connected to his sense of duty to his father’s vengeance. However, the route he took to achieve such goal was not through justice and righteousness by law. He took matters into his own hands with a path inconsistent with Christian values. Homicide and deception became his tools for revenge. He reveals such disdain for himself and his actions in a conversation with Ophelia, â€Å"I am myself indifferent honest; but yet I could accuse me of such things that it were better my mother had not borne me: I am very proud, revengeful, ambitious, with more offences at my beck than I have thoughts to put them in, imagination to give them shape, or time to act them in. What should such fellows as I do crawling between earth and heaven† (Shakespeare 1600, Act III, Scene I)? There was also a time when Claudius and even Hamlet’s own mother Gertrude did not want him to go home from school. Hamlet was such a deep thinker that he almost drove himself insane from all the pondering he has done, however it has driven him to melancholy. He was so depressed that he even contemplated on suicide. â€Å"O that this too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses of this world† (Shakespeare 1600, Act I Scene 2)! He did not commit suicide but his final actions led him to stab Claudius after Laertes revealed to him that he was truly the one to blame for the former King’s death. When Hamlet had received be vengeance for his father, he has already killed Polonius and Laertes by his sword and the play ends in a tragedy. The actions of the two protagonists showed how choices made and the actions taken were important despite the fact that one holds a high degree of morality and righteousness. In the same way that the biblical truth goes, faith without action is dead. Hamlet’s morality and goodness would not matter if he chose to do evil. Faustus from the start lacked that fiber of morality and it was reflected in how he was clueless as to what he was getting into. The third point lies on the fact that both lead characters from both plays exemplified the fight for goodness as both struggled throughout the play about the righteousness of their actions. Both of them had scenes wherein there was an inner struggle in their souls about the consequences of their deeds, an inner conflict of following good or evil. There may be a varying degree of the level of struggle and goodness; the point is it existed for both characters. Even if Faustus has already sold his soul to the devil there were countless instances wherein good tried interfering to push him to ask for forgiveness and repentance. In the beginning, there was a time wherein a good angel and the evil angel reflected that Faustus’ struggle whether he should stop studying the black arts and turn to the Scriptures of God again. Like the other times that he struggled, he chose the evil path. Near his death, he was urged by an old man to repent and to ask for forgiveness from God, â€Å"Ah, stay, good Faustus, stay thy desperate steps! I see an angel hovers o'er thy head, And, with a vial full of precious grace, Offers to pour the same into thy soul: Then call for mercy, and avoid despair† (Marlowe 1588, Scene XII Lines 44-46). Once again, Faustus listened to Mephastophilis. He renewed his vow to the devil and stabbed himself sending him to an eternity in hell. Even in his final hours when there he was asking for mercy. However, he could not completely be freed from his ties with the devil partly because he did not have enough faith the God would forgive him. It is Hamlet’s nature to be meditating on the things that are going on around him.   The presence of the ghost that was supposed to be his father’s symbolized his contemplation of whether the ghost really was his father or if it was an evil spirit trying to get him to murder Claudius. Hamlet caught up in the despair of it all said, â€Å"To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them† (Shakespeare 1600, Act III Scene 1). His despair brought him to a point of hopelessness and depression that he questioned whether it was better to take his own life, which was a mortal sin, or to live and suffer. Nevertheless, Hamlet suffered and struggled inside for the rest of the play, more so because of his genuine goodness. Faustus showed the same regard for the consequences of his actions. Both opted to choose evil, even if one was lesser than the others; one chose revenge over justice, the other chose temporary wealth and power over salvation. There was reformation in every sphere of life and people were swept by the waves of such change of mindsets. The struggle for good and evil reflects the reality of the common man who constantly fights to uphold goodness in one’s life. A number of times, people fail to triumph over evil as the will grows weaker against the desires of the heart. The important lesson manifested in both plays was the importance of choices that is available to everyone. Bibliography Marlowe C. (1588). Doctor Faustus. New York: P.F. Collier ; Son Company, 1909–14 Shakespeare W. (1600) .Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. New York: The Norton Shakespeare: W.W. Norton ; Company, Inc. (2007). Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from (2007). Faustus. Retrieved on October 17, 2007, from Studer-Pauer, H. (1994). Norms, Values, and Society. Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. ; ;

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Danton essays

Danton essays Although the French Revolution was a huge turning point in European politics and set the foundation for changes ahead, there are many misfortunes that came from it. The National Guard, the Paris Commune, the September Massacre, are all words that the French would prefer us not to hear. These events were a subtle denouement to a climax that was filled with both blood and pain. The Reign of Terror, or the Great Terror, was a massive culmination to the horror of the French Revolution, the gutters flowing with blood as the people of Paris watched with an entertained eye. The power at the time of the Great Terror was in the hands of a newly formed Public Safety Commission headed by Robespierre. Another influential member of the nine man committee was a lawyer, Danton, who was a popular leader of the Revolution. Between these two men the responsibility of many deaths during the Great Terror lies. In 1794 the atmosphere of Paris was one of fear, paranoia, starvation and suffering. Great changes were taking place and the country was still trying out their new form of government. Peasants had the authority to search wagons for those believed to be against the revolution. People addressed each other as citizen _______, with the idea of one another being fellow citizens of the republic. The death of thousands was not restricted to the lower classes, all men despite social stature were in danger of going to the guillotine, even clergy. Street names were changed, a new calendar was introduced, and the abolishment of the church, though this did not last. The war of a political nature raged silently in France, as the different factions of the Convention dared not fight openly. Upon returning to Paris from foreign duties, Danton immediately took the side of Robespierre, condemning the Enrages and the Hebertists, who were behind much of the over killing. However, Robespierre would not ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

History and Geography of India

History and Geography of India Population: 1,173,108,018 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: New DelhiMajor Cities: Mumbai, Kolkata, Bangalore,  and ChennaiArea: 1,269,219 square miles (3,287,263 sq km)Bordering Countries: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, China, Nepal,  and PakistanCoastline: 4,350 miles (7,000 km)Highest Point: Kanchenjunga at 28,208 feet (8,598 m) India, formally called the Republic of India, is the country that occupies most of the Indian subcontinent in southern Asia. In terms of its population, India is one of the most populous nations in the world and falls slightly behind China. India has a long history and is considered the worlds largest democracy and one of the most successful in Asia. It is a developing nation and has only recently opened its economy to outside trade and influences. As such, its economy is currently growing and when combined with its population growth, India is one of the worlds most significant countries. Indias History Indias earliest settlements are believed to have developed in the culture hearths of the Indus Valley around 2600 B.C.E. and in the Ganges Valley around 1500 B.C.E. These societies were mainly composed of ethnic Dravidians who had an economy based on commerce and agricultural trade. Aryan tribes are believed to have then invaded the area after they migrated into the Indian subcontinent from the northwest. It is thought that they introduced the caste system which is still common in many parts of India today. During the 4th century B.C.E, Alexander the Great introduced Greek practices into the region when he expanded across Central Asia. During the 3rd century B.C.E, the Mauryan Empire came into power in India and was most successful under its emperor, Ashoka. Throughout subsequent periods Arab, Turkish and Mongol peoples entered India and in 1526, a Mongol Empire was established there, which later expanded throughout most of northern India. During this time, such landmarks as the Taj Mahal were also constructed. Much of Indias history after the 1500s was then dominated by British influences. The first British colony was in 1619 with English East India Company at Surat. Shortly thereafter, permanent trading stations opened in present-day Chennai, Mumbai,  and Kolkata. British influence then continued to expand from these initial trading stations and by the 1850s, most of India and other countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Bangladesh were controlled by Britain. By the late 1800s, India began working toward independence from Britain but it did not come until the 1940s however when Indian citizens began to unite and British Labor Prime Minister Clement Attlee began to push for Indias independence. On August 15, 1947, India officially became a dominion within the Commonwealth and Jawaharlal Nehru was named Indias Prime Minister. Indias first constitution was written shortly thereafter on January 26, 1950, and at that time, it officially became a member of the British Commonwealth. Since gaining its independence, India has undergone significant growth in terms of its population and economy, however, there were periods of instability in the country and much of its population today lives extreme poverty. Government of India Today Indias government is a federal republic with two legislative bodies. The legislative bodies consist of the Council of States, also called Rajya Sabha, and the Peoples Assembly, which is called the Lok Sabha. Indias executive branch has a chief of state and a head of government. There are also 28 states and seven union territories in India. Economics Land Use in India Indias economy today is a varied mix of small village farming, modern large-scale agriculture as well as modern industries. The service sector is also an incredibly large part of Indias economy as many foreign companies have  such places as call centers located in the country. In addition to the service sector, Indias largest industries are textiles, food processing, steel, cement, mining equipment, petroleum, chemicals and computer software. Indias agricultural products include rice, wheat, oilseed, cotton, tea, sugarcane, dairy products,  and livestock. Geography and Climate of India The geography of India is diverse and can be divided into three main regions. The first is the rugged, mountainous Himalayan region in the northern part of the country, while the second is called the Indo-Gangetic Plain. It is in this region that most of Indias large-scale agriculture takes place. The third geographic region in India is the plateau region in the southern and central portions of the country. India also has three major river systems which have large deltas that take over a large portion of the land. These are the Indus, Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers. Indias climate is also varied but is tropical in the south and mainly temperate in the north. The country also has a pronounced monsoon season from June to September in it southern portion. More Facts About India Indias people are 80% Hindu, 13% Muslim and 2% Christian. These divisions have historically caused tensions between different religious groups.Hindi and English are Indias official languages, but there are also 17 regional languages that are considered official.India has several cities that have undergone place name changes such as Bombay being renamed Mumbai. These changes were mainly done in an effort to return the city names to local dialects, as opposed to British translations. Sources: Central Intelligence Agency. (20 January 2011). CIA - The World Factbook - India. (n.d.). India: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - United States Department of State. (2009 November). India (11/09).

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Malampaya Project Essays

Malampaya Project Essays Malampaya Project Essay Malampaya Project Essay THE MALAMPAYA PROJECT The Malampaya project is a one of its kind project that the Philippines have developed. It is a big opportunity for the Philippines in gas development. The project aims to harvest Gas deep underwater and to use it as a source of power. It provides at least 40-45% of Luzon’s electricity since 2002. It is currently being conducted by Shell Philippines Exploration together with the joint partners Chevron Texaco Malampaya and PNOCEC. The gas was buried approximately 800 meters underwater deep in Northwest Palawan. According to Department of Energy Philippines (2002) that Malaya Gas field is to produce 146 billion cubic feet (BCF) a year. It was proven that they have at least 80 million barrels of condensate and 20-40 million barrels of oil reserves which totals 2. 5 to 3. 5 trillion cubic feet of Gas (TCF). Last December 2012 there has been a plan to expand the Malampaya Gas plant. The Keppel Subic Shipyard started â€Å"striking steel† or steel cutting as a signal for their $1 billion fabrication of an offshore rig in expansion of the Malampaya project. Keppel Subic will be a great help in developing the Malampaya project by building and installing substructure and topside modules in platforms to sustain its 2,700 megawatts production output and for the completion of the Malampaya 3. Also, it will generate at least 1,200 jobs according to Shell Philippines. It has been planned that in 2014, they will build additional two wells and in 2015, installing of new platform for additional equipment and facilities. According to the consortium, the Malampaya 3 aims to keep a steady supply to maintain their commitments in ensuring the power supply for Luzon. It has been proven that they have 3. 2 trillion cubic feet reserves and 1 trillion of it has already been consumed. Sources: http://malampaya. com/? page_id=2 doe. gov. ph/DNG/malampaya_history. pdf gmanetwork. com/news/story/284493/economy/companies/keppel-subic-to-build-fabrication-yard-for-malampaya-deep-well-platform http://manilastandardtoday. com/2012/12/08/work-starts-on-expansionary-malampaya-rig/

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Principles of Quality Control Relating To Business Management Research Paper - 1

Principles of Quality Control Relating To Business Management - Research Paper Example There are many employees who at times do not take adequate measures in order to maintain proper quality. Therefore, in this regard, it can be demonstrated that such an attitude may lead to loss of the customers. On the flip side, the competitors may take advantage of the market needs. It has been viewed that most of the flourishing companies have identified the role of the customers-defined quality on the business. As a consequence of this, most of the companies have focused their attention on quality standards. The two successful companies that have identified customer satisfaction as their topmost priorities are Honda Motor Company and Ford Motors. Quality is one of the primary aspects that each and every organization aspires to maintain their products and offerings. Quality in their offerings can offer an organization with the added competitive advantage. The definition of the factor quality in business management context generally relies upon the position of the people defining it. There isn’t any single description of quality. However, according to certain people, the term quality can be understood as â€Å"Performance to Standards†. In short, the term quality can be comprehended as the degree of excellence (John Wiley & Sons, â€Å"Total Quality Management†). It can be revealed that the term quality tends to have an impact upon all the aspects of the organization and it also has cost implications. It has gained importance as in due course of time organizations have realized that poor quality might result in high costs. The greatest loss to the company can result when the poor standards of quality transpire to discontented customers. This can ultimately result in a loss of consumer as well as business. The term quality can be associated with a few other costs. One group of the cost is referred to as the cost of quality control whereas the other group of cost can be referred to as the prevention and appraisal cost.  

Friday, October 18, 2019

Transparency in the cost of justice Statistics Project - 1

Transparency in the cost of justice - Statistics Project Example One of the major impediments with EU legal system is the hefty fee for lawyers and the reason for this is four-fold. Secondly, significant differences in sources and levels of costs from one member state to the other also constitute a barrier. Thirdly, the high costs in relation to the quantity of litigations frequently act as an obstacle. Fourthly, significant differences among the member states legal systems entail enhanced costs to initiate cases as the litigant has to pay for translators and lawyers apart from bearing the expenditure on travel and notifications. This study contains an analysis of data on four types of costs for four case studies based on the data acquired from 28 European countries. Cost data has been taken under four heads, such as court costs, lawyer costs, bailiff costs and appeal costs. Court cases of four types have been considered and the costs are calculated for all cases. The categories of cases include CA1A: National situation, in which a couple gets mar ried and subsequently they separate and agree for a divorce, CA1B: Transnational situation. That is two nationals from a similar member state get married and afterward file for a divorce, CA4A: National situation, which includes commercial and contract law and CA4B: Comprising transnational situation in Commercial Law and Contract. The above graph represents CA1A: National situation where a couple gets married. Later they separate and agree to a divorce in different European countries. It can be seen that the lawyer cost in the instant case is common in all countries. Italy has a high lawyer cost in CA1A. Ireland, Poland, Luxembourg, Estonia, Austria, UK are comparatively cheaper in lawyer fee. Lawyers, as legal experts deal with legal costs that have a bearing on the restoration of the privileges of litigants to carry out the litigation costs. The costs are better in UK probably because of transparent court procedures. Lawyers’ fees form the most significant part of the

Sustainable Aviation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sustainable Aviation - Essay Example The fuel used for the aircrafts like kerosene and others are often complained of emitting harmful gases like Nitrogen Dioxide into the atmosphere thus leading to an increase of air pollution in and around the regions surrounding the airports. It was however found that reduction of the combustion capacity of the engines led to the increased emission of Greenhouse gases like Carbon Dioxide into the air. Scientists and environmentalists around the world are endeavouring to find means for deriving a sustainable fuel source for the aircraft engines which in turn would reduce the atmospheric pollution (Azapagic and Perdan, 2011, Ch. 15). However it is often held that the endeavour to produce a sustainable fuel for the aeroplanes is not feasible in the technical and ethical sense. It is observed that most of the efforts conducted to produce a sustainable fuel often does not confirm the carbon footprint test and also happens to render increased stress on the engines thus hampering its produc tivity (Daggett et al., 2007, p.1). Hence the above efforts to produce a sustainable aircraft fuel suffer from lack of technical and ethical feasibility. Sustainable Fuel for Aircraft Engines The term sustainability refers to protecting or sustaining the environment in order to meet the needs of the present population without compromising on the needs of the future generation. Sustainability thus concerns a holistic network of environmental, social and economic policies aimed at sustaining the scarce resources. These policies must be measureable and again must also be lend for evaluation to help it met the demand of different periods (Wohlmeyer and Quendler, 2002, p.198). 198). Aviation fuel has long depended on products like kerosene to help ignite the motor engines. However the practice is found to have contributed largely to the polluting of the atmosphere through the emission of large volumes of nitrogen dioxide. Thus to reduce the content of greenhouses gases and other harmful gases into the atmosphere the need for a sustainable fuel resource is greatly emphasized. Research unto generating a feasible sustainable fuel for the aeroplanes is under process with introduction of fuels generated from biomass or fuelling of liquid hydrogen into the air engines. The research of generating a sustainable fuel source for aircraft engines is gaining patronage from many nations owing to its help in protection of fossil resources and the atmosphere from being polluted (Evans, 2007, p.162). Sustainable fuel generation for aircraft engines appears to be the new challenge for it signifies taking resort to alternative sources of fuel other than that related to diesel, petrol and kerosene. Production of alternative sources of fuel can be conducted through the use of biomasses derived from large amounts of bio waste products and algae masses. Again use of liquid hydrogen and other cryogenic materials like use of ethane and methane gases in the liquid state is also being recommended for the fuel generation of aircraft engines. Thus the use of considerable amount of biomass and cryogenic liquids for the production of aircraft engine fuel is considered a sustainable means for generation of aircraft fuel. Use of such energy resources are observed to help in reducing the combustion temperature of the engines which in turn led to the production of low or no amounts of carbon dioxide. Further research is enabled to derive natural gases from both natural bio mass and other synthetic sources with also enhancing the dependence on gases like Ethane derived from natural gases for production of sustainable fuel for aircraft engines (Daggett et al., 2007 , p.1). Technical and Ethical Feasibility of Efforts in Production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel The current

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions - Essay Example Therefore, this paper is a review of Hart’s Atheist Delusions, whereby each section of the book will be reviewed. The book gives an outline concerning the transformation of Christianity during the ancient world through ways that have been forgotten such as liberalization from fatalism, presenting substantial dignity on human beings, challenging the features of cruelty in pagan society and elevation of charity above the qualities. Hart also establishes an argument concerning the term â€Å"Age of Reason,† which is considered the initiation of authority to be a cultural value. Moreover, the thesis in this book is concise, whereby it explores the misrepresentation of Christianity history during the New Atheists and the positive effect on the world’s culture. The first section of the book entails an assessment of the new â€Å"gospel of unbelief† and supporters, which is preceded by a question rose on the central principles implying that the world has facilita ted modernity. The book seeks to establish whether the world can be a better place thought the modernist doctrine, absolute human autonomy, which is embraced by a substantial stability. The next section of the book entails a direct challenge to the modernity through a rewrite of the Christianity history, and an assessment of the cultural struggle between the rivalry from the pagans and growing Christianity faith. The book raises concern in exposed modern myths, which represent Christianity as forces of intolerance, fallacy, irrationalism and cruelty. On the other hand, there is an opposite representation of the paganism, whereby it is attributed to love, peace and fostering coexistence through an attitude of the minority. In the contrary, the pagans have a culture attributed to anti-intellectuals, corruption and oppression. However, despite this dissolute environment, Christianity has managed to uphold their optimism, liberation and anti-elitist, which is preached though their value s of honorable integrity, thereby generating cultural conditions that foster flourishing of philosophy and science in a long period. In fact, Hart claims that Christianity takes credit for the greatest benefits enjoyed in the world today. In the third section of the book, the case established to lose the line of argumentation, whereby the information presented becomes incoherent throughout the development of six chapters. Nevertheless, the chapters sought to establish a case based on the modern conception on humanity through a positive invention of Christianity. Therefore, these offers illustration of the way culture have abandoned Christianity leading to desertion of humanity. The argument in this book becomes problematic in numerous dimensions, such as the difficulty involved in the process of deriving a discussion in the exact line of argumentation and the precision of each idea leading to the conclusion. Moreover, the last chapter of the third section depicts the Christianity do ctrine in relation to the principle of manifestation, which is an elevation of human conception concerning the level of divinity. Moreover, the claim in this section seems to turn on the doubtful interpretation of the incarnation, which surpasses the ecumenical creeds of the church, instead of a precision and argumentation offered by Hart. In fact, his argument appears to be insightful than a reader can understand, and if that is the case, there is obscurity created by oblique prose. In the last two chapters,

Mahayana Buddhism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mahayana Buddhism - Essay Example As the discussion stresses  the popularity that the religion has gained is because of the teachings of the religion that consider human being as an important part. The Bodhisattvas keep compassion and mercy for the people without any self-interest. The Bodhisattva is on the highest level when the mind is in great compassion and emptiness is there. â€Å"Bodhisattvas are enlightened beings who have postponed their own nirvana and chosen to take rebirth in order to serve humanity.†Ã‚  From this paper it is clear that Mahayana is famous because it considers all the human beings equal and is more concerned to universality. Through compassion, it is meant that Bodhisattvas after gaining enlightenment work to transfer this enlightenment to other beings. They regard personal suffering as negligible and give more consideration to universal salvation of all human beings. Because the religion keeps into consideration all the human beings of the earth and is concerned about spiritualit y, compassion and love, therefore, it is popular on a worldwide basis.  Dalai Lama suffered many hardships in his life such as he was forced into exile because of Chinese invasion in Tibet. He is famous in the US because of his recognition as â€Å"a man of peace†.  He has travelled to many parts of the world and spread the message of peace, non-violence and unaggressive behavior due to which, he has also received many awards in the lieu of his preaching of peace and non-violence.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Review of Hart's Atheist Delusions - Essay Example Therefore, this paper is a review of Hart’s Atheist Delusions, whereby each section of the book will be reviewed. The book gives an outline concerning the transformation of Christianity during the ancient world through ways that have been forgotten such as liberalization from fatalism, presenting substantial dignity on human beings, challenging the features of cruelty in pagan society and elevation of charity above the qualities. Hart also establishes an argument concerning the term â€Å"Age of Reason,† which is considered the initiation of authority to be a cultural value. Moreover, the thesis in this book is concise, whereby it explores the misrepresentation of Christianity history during the New Atheists and the positive effect on the world’s culture. The first section of the book entails an assessment of the new â€Å"gospel of unbelief† and supporters, which is preceded by a question rose on the central principles implying that the world has facilita ted modernity. The book seeks to establish whether the world can be a better place thought the modernist doctrine, absolute human autonomy, which is embraced by a substantial stability. The next section of the book entails a direct challenge to the modernity through a rewrite of the Christianity history, and an assessment of the cultural struggle between the rivalry from the pagans and growing Christianity faith. The book raises concern in exposed modern myths, which represent Christianity as forces of intolerance, fallacy, irrationalism and cruelty. On the other hand, there is an opposite representation of the paganism, whereby it is attributed to love, peace and fostering coexistence through an attitude of the minority. In the contrary, the pagans have a culture attributed to anti-intellectuals, corruption and oppression. However, despite this dissolute environment, Christianity has managed to uphold their optimism, liberation and anti-elitist, which is preached though their value s of honorable integrity, thereby generating cultural conditions that foster flourishing of philosophy and science in a long period. In fact, Hart claims that Christianity takes credit for the greatest benefits enjoyed in the world today. In the third section of the book, the case established to lose the line of argumentation, whereby the information presented becomes incoherent throughout the development of six chapters. Nevertheless, the chapters sought to establish a case based on the modern conception on humanity through a positive invention of Christianity. Therefore, these offers illustration of the way culture have abandoned Christianity leading to desertion of humanity. The argument in this book becomes problematic in numerous dimensions, such as the difficulty involved in the process of deriving a discussion in the exact line of argumentation and the precision of each idea leading to the conclusion. Moreover, the last chapter of the third section depicts the Christianity do ctrine in relation to the principle of manifestation, which is an elevation of human conception concerning the level of divinity. Moreover, the claim in this section seems to turn on the doubtful interpretation of the incarnation, which surpasses the ecumenical creeds of the church, instead of a precision and argumentation offered by Hart. In fact, his argument appears to be insightful than a reader can understand, and if that is the case, there is obscurity created by oblique prose. In the last two chapters,

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Case of the Off-Rhythm Bongo Player Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Case of the Off-Rhythm Bongo Player - Essay Example As explained by Jason Bardi reports from the Scripps Institute, "calcium is a second messenger and regulates many different intracellular processes, including gene expression within cells." (Bardi, 2004) and "the transfer or spread of this excitability to a neuronal network, manifested as electro-graphic and clinical seizures, occurs via synaptic transmission." (Wellmer J, Su H, Beck H, Yaari Y and Eur J Neurosci, 2002) The effect on ion channels and effect on threshold are distinctive in the sense that "native calcium channels have been classified by both their electrophysiological and pharmacological properties and are generally divided into low-threshold (T-types) and high threshold (L-, N-, P/Q- and R-types). The L-, N-, P/Q- and R-type channels typically activate at membrane potentials near -30 mV and display diverse kinetic, voltage-dependent and pharmacological properties.1 The availability of specific pharmacological agents targeting the high threshold channels has permitted elucidation of many of their physiological functions. The T-type calcium channels describe a class of molecules that transiently activate at relatively negative potentials (-60 mV) and for which a general lack of high-affinity selective blockers has made their exact physiological contributions lag behind those of the high-voltage activated isoforms" (Snutch, 2005) The effect on Bado's muscles including the aching, twitching and tingling fingers is based on how the calcium mediates constriction and relaxation of blood vessels. This includes those excitable cells which controls the nerve impulses like those occurring in his twitching fingers. More definitively explained by Jane Higdon of the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon University, calcium plays a role in mediating the constriction and relaxation of blood vessels (vasoconstriction and vasodilation), nerve impulse transmission, muscle contraction, and the secretion of hormones, such as insulin. Excitable cells, such as skeletal muscle and nerve cells, contain voltage-dependent calcium channels in their cell membranes that allow for rapid changes in calcium concentrations. For example, when a muscle fiber receives a nerve impulse that stimulates it to contract, calcium channels in the cell membrane open to allow a few calcium ions into the muscle cell. These calcium ions bind to activator proteins within the cell that release a flood of calcium ions from storage vesicles inside the cell. The binding of calcium to the protein, troponin-c, initiates a series of steps that lead to muscle contraction. The binding of calcium to the protein, calmodulin, activates enzymes that breakdown muscle glycogen to provide energy for muscle contraction. (Higdon, 2003) As explained in the following afflictions, cell excitability and effects on the skeletal muscle are discussed: a) Hyperkalemia: "In acute hyperkalemia, the ratio of intracellular to extracellular K+ is decreased. The gap between the resting membrane potential to the excitability threshold is decreased and the nerve conduction is initiated more easily. If this continues it progresses to weakness of muscles. Gradual hyperkalemia, as in

Industrial Revolution in Europe Essay Example for Free

Industrial Revolution in Europe Essay The industrial revolution had a great impact on Europe, especially when it comes to social and economic aspects, since they underwent a great change during the period. Still, whether the industrial revolution was positive or negative as a whole depends on if you focus on either of these two aspects. Optimists will say that it was good, and theyll focus on the favourable consequences on economy. Pessimists, however, will focus on social aspects, since society suffered a decline as to way of life. When it comes to economy, most of the consequences of the industrial revolution on it were quite positive. Wages rose, and people had enough money to buy goods. Industry developed, making it more efficient to produce products with the help of machines. These made it more profitable for industries, since work was done faster and without a need for a big human work force, thus creating mass production. It was cheap to make goods, and they were produced at a large scale, which in turn led to consumers being able to afford more products. Another thing was the creation of banks, which favoured economy as they lent money to set up even more industries. Mercantilism also helped European countries, since they had a market for their goods. Also, industries were favoured by the construction of better roads and canals, and with the invention of the steam engine, as well as with the construction of turnpike trusts. Goods were transported in faster, safer and cheaper ways, which had a positive effect on industry and economy. The improvement of the transport system also had positive effects on social aspects. Now that people had more money, they could use it to go on day holidays to the coast, since they could use the railroad. Improvement in transportation also eventually led to the creation of national sport leagues, as teams could move around from place to place. Another positive consequence of the improvement of transport reflected on peoples diets. Fresh food could be transported faster and cheaper into urban areas, thus making it available for consumers, who, with the improvements in economy, now had money to buy it, as well as some mass produced clothes. Still, even if people had more money, standards of living didnt rise as  much. To get money, people had to work for long shifts, and housing was also more expensive. This made people pack together in small houses. Over-crowding inevitably led to the quick spread of diseases and illnesses as pollution from industries and wastes filled the cities, affecting people who lived very close together. People working in the city also had bad working conditions. They worked for long shifts under unhealthy conditions, and accidents were common due to the over-tiredness of the workers after so many hours of work. Also, for a family to meet monthly expenses, children had to work. Child labour was common, and children had harsh jobs, working all day instead of being able to go to school and get an education. Another negative consequence of the industrial revolution was the sharp increase of crime in cities. As industries and large farms prospered, small farmers and peasants suffered. Many were left without a job and thus migrated into the cities. Population increase in urban areas, however, didnt always match the increasing need for workers in industries; many people were left without a job and thus had to resort to crime to be able to survive. It is clear that the Industrial Revolution had a great impact on peoples lives throughout Europe. A capitalist economy flourished, while workers suffered unhealthy conditions as they struggled to survive in a changing society.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Perovskite Electrocatalyst for CO2 Reduction Design

Perovskite Electrocatalyst for CO2 Reduction Design Theoretical design of efficient perovskite electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction Summary This project aims to engineer perovskite materials as efficient electrocatalysts for CO2 to fuel conversion. Perovskite are appealing candidates because of their wide ranging and complex electronic structures. There is a scope to break some of the limitations of metallic catalysts to come up with new efficient electro catalyst. The endless varieties of electronic properties oxides’ show are truly astounding. We would like to search this large materials space systematically for possible catalyst with improved activity for CO2 reduction. However, they should also be active, stable and conductive at relevant potentials to meet application targets. Identification and establishment of design principles for efficient oxide catalyst for CO2 reduction will mark the scientific part of this project. Efforts to be made for predicting molecular pathway of CO2 reduction reactions and develop unified search criterion like descriptors regarding these reactions. Then this knowledge to be appl ied for high throughput computational search for best perovskite electrocatalysts. In this project we plan to utilize the latest simulation methodologies developed based on density functional theory (DFT) towards understanding the molecular mechanism of CO2 to fuel conversion on oxide surfaces. Further on, we will explore kinetic barriers using nudged elastic band (NEB) method to come up with possible efficient electro catalyst. Introduction and perspective on impact Global energy consumption will increase manifold in a few decades as larger fraction of world population achieves higher quality of life. This demand could be met from fossil fuels, particularly coal. However, in recent time, carbon dioxide level in the air has reached the highest (>400 ppm) of the last 20 million years, causing radical and largely unpredictable changes in the environment. Thus to maintain sustainability for human kind, it will require invention, development, and deployment of carbon-neutral energy production at a scale larger than, the entire energy supply in modern civilization. To support high penetration of renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power it would require a commensurate increase in energy storage capacity to integrate them into the electrical power grid. This is to facilitate reliability in power delivery by smoothing out the large fluctuations. Electrochemical conversion of CO2 and H2O into liquid fuels is the holy grail where high density renewable energy storage and CO2 capture meet each other. However, no electro-catalyst known to man can catalyse this reaction efficiently. Copper (Cu) is the only metal with considerable activity, but its efficiency and selectivity for liquid fuels are far too low for practical use. Ruthenium dioxide can convert CO2 to methanol at a low overpotential, however, the process is rather unselective and ruthenium is extremely scarce. It is of utmost importance to discover efficient electro catalyst with low over potential, high faraday efficiency and most importantly, made of earth abundant elements. Recent success obtained in photo electrocatalytic reduction of CO2 on SrTiO3 surfaces and electrocatalytic reduction of the same on Lanthanum Strontium Cuprate perovskite leads us towards selecting oxides especially perovskite as the most promising class of materials to study. The potential phase space of (mixed metal at A and B site) perovskite materials is very large, thus experimentally testing all compounds is not practically feasible, but has to be narrowed down through computational screening. Simulation science has taken up a key role in development of new energy materials in the last couple of years, through computation of materials properties, which are difficult to measure experimentally. Development in computer power has enabled large-scale materials screening and design at atomistic scale. Within catalyst design, simulations can identify restrictions on catalyst activity and selectivity caused by scaling laws, and these laws enable efficient prediction of activity or selectivity for possible new catalysts. Background Hori did seminal work on electrochemical reduction of CO2 on pure metals. Cu is the only metal that does not desorb CO and can uniquely reduce CO2 to significant quantities of hydrocarbons (mainly CH4 and C2H4). Reduction of CO2 on Cu is accompanied with a very high over-potential that hinders this reaction from being energy efficient. Recently, a mechanism that explains coppers unique ability in reducing CO2 to hydrocarbons and the origin of the high over-potential for the reduction of CO2 was identified by DFT calculations in conjunction with computational hydrogen electrode (CHE) model. Since electrochemical CO2 reduction to methane is an eight electron-proton transfer step that has seven intermediates, finding the best catalyst in principle demands understanding of a seven-dimensional molecule surface interaction space. Fortunately, the binding energies of carbon bounded species and oxygen bounded species scale with the binding energies of CO and OH, respectively. These correlati ons reduce the dimensionality to two binding energies but make it difficult to change the binding energies independently. Based on different reaction pathways and scaling relations Peterson and co-workers constructed volcano plots for different metals. It was shown that regardless of the reaction pathway, changing the metal surface marginally changes the over-potential. This helped to move the focus on other class of catalysts e,g, rutile oxides (Ru/Ir/Ti) can catalyze the conversion of CO2 to alcohols. However, very little is known about the reduction of CO2 to alcohols on oxide electrocatalysts. As the binding energies of OH/CO vary much widely on oxides than metals, it is possible to have different pathways and thermodynamic limiting steps on oxide surfaces than metallic ones. That makes template based computational search much more challenging, at the same time opening up possibilities of adsorbate-surface binding energies away from the established scaling laws. In general, there are three criteria that should be fulfilled by a newly proposed catalyst material: The catalyst should have high selectivity towards desired product It should have high energy efficiency, i.e. low reduction over-potential It should be stable at potentials of interest so that the activity does not degrade over time It should have sufficient electronic/polaronic conductivity Research plan For the thermodynamic pathway of the reactions, computational hydrogen electrode model will be followed to calculate the potential dependent reaction free energies from density functional theory based calculations using BEEF-vdW functional and PAW method as implemented in VASP. Corrections for zero point energy, heat capacity, entropic contribution and other energy correction for free molecules will be taken into account. Usage of BEEF-vdW functional will enable the estimation of errors in first principles calculations and describe proper long range van der Waals interaction between adsorbates and surfaces. Statistical tools will be used to calculate corrections from vibrational modes of the adsorbates. In addition, to describe correctly the electronic structure of late transition and rare-earth metals, Hubbard U correction method will be employed as and when required. To know atomic structure of the catalyst surface, which is key to these calculations, potential dependent surface Po urbaix diagrams will be constructed. Kinetic barriers for individual reaction steps will be searched with the climbing image nudged elastic band (CI-NEB) method. This method lets us find saddle points and minimum energy paths between two atomic configurations and works by optimizing a number of intermediate images along the reaction path. Using this methodology to study CO2 reduction over a handful of well-known perovskite materials, we will be able to establish activity descriptors for favorable catalysts. Through Brà ¸nsted–Evans–Polanyi relation between the activation energy and the reaction energy extends scaling laws to kinetic barriers as well. Using thermodynamic and kinetic scaling laws, it will be feasible to define most critical descriptors of the many electron reactions. These descriptors along with selectivity based parameters (e.g. suppressed hydrogen evolution) will be used to screen through a really large phase space of perovskite structures constructed in a 2x2x2 supercell (40 atoms) by using a large number of different elements in A/B or anion site as well as vacancies which are common in many perovskite materials. Significant fraction of these hypothetical structures will be discarded through simple rules like oxidation number sum, Goldstein’s rule and Valence Bond models. In th e screening process, the stability of possible structures are assessed using an accurate scheme of comparing the total energy of each compound to a pool of reference systems using a linear programming algorithm, to determine whether the material is stable or not. The further level of screening will include looking for materials with small or no bandgap using GLLB-sc functional. This is a crude approximation for screening purpose. For few selected structures, other conduction mechanism such as quantum tunneling or polaron hopping will be studied in more detail using Marcus theory for polaron hopping and non-equilibrium Green function based transport modelling. Even with the large reduction in search space through simple rule based screening, it will be impossible to perform DFT calculation for all of the possible structure. A genetic algorithm based search will enable us to effectively get the fittest candidates with existing computational resources. The parameters for the fit function will be similar as discussed above. Concepts of mutation and crossover will be used for quick searching. The project will be carried out in collaboration with experimentalist from DTU Energy Conversion (Prof. Nini Pryds and his group) and DTU Physics (Prof. Ib Chorkendorff and group). This will enable rapid experimental validation of predicted materials as effective CO2 reduction electrocatalyst. Work package and milestones WP1: Establish reaction mechanism (Jan 2015 – Aug 2015) 1.1 Calculate atomistic structure of SrTiO3 and NaNbO3 (100) and (110) surfaces from surface Pourbaix diagram 1.2 Study wide variety adsorbates to confirm reaction pathway to alkane and alcohols 1.3 Estimate kinetic barriers for the reaction paths WP2: Search for Descriptor (Sept 2015 – Feb 2016) 2.1 Calculate thermodynamic and kinetic barrier for CO2 reduction reactions for larger number (~50) of well-known perovskite. 2.2 Study these barriers for identifying best descriptors for the reactions 2.3 Do micro-kinetic modelling of the system considering different final products both carbonaceous and hydrogen based of the descriptors of reactions, to define region of selectivity and low over-potential requirement. WP2: High throughput computing based catalyst search and validation (Mar 2015 – Dec 2016) 3.1 Setup Computational infrastructure (e.g. software framework working in unison) required for screening methodology over billions of structures. The layers in the screening (rule based and calculation based) as well as the genetic algorithm based evolutionary search tool has to work in tandem. 3.2 Perform the large scale search for optimum binding energies, kinetic barrier, conductivity and selectivity through GA based exploration of the phase space. The fit criterion for a specific product to be defined based on the results of the micro-kinetic modelling. 3.3 Synthesize and run experiments for measuring activity of a handful of selected candidates for different end products Resource requirement The scale of the computational search and complexity requires tier0 type supercomputing infrastructure. I expect to be able to use ~8 million cpu hours in the DTU HPC resource – NIFLHEIM. Applications have also been made for another 20 million cpu hours under the European supercomputing program – PRACE. Scientific dissemination The fundamental insight developed, catalyst predicted and validated throughout this project will generate utmost interest in the catalysis for sustainable energy field internationally. Thus findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals with a high visibility. Such publications can be expected during 4Q of 2015 and 2016. Preliminary results will be presented at relevant conferences within the fields of electrocatalysis, computational electrochemistry and surface science. Besides contributing to fundamental insight the project is focused on specific catalyst design and it is therefore an objective that one or more patents will be filed for at the end of the period.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron :: She Walks in Beauty Poem Poetry

She Walks in Beauty by Lord Byron There is a spectacular use of assonance in the first verse here:- look at the rime words night, skies, bright, eyes ... same vowel throughout ... so the whole stanza rimes ababab but assonates aaaaaa this kind of double-effect was highly prized by keats, shelley and Byron, all of whom took the technical side of writing poetry extrememly seriously. Lord Byron describes a night (associated with darkness) with bright stars (light) and compares this woman to that night. She brings together these opposites in her beauty and creates a "tender light." Not a light like the daytime, since he describes that as gaudy (showy in a vulgar way), but a light that "heaven" doesn't even honor the daytime with. Byron's diction in this poem is quite metaphorical. "She walks in beauty, like the night / Of cloudless climes and starry skies" (lines 1-2 ). His use of imagery has allowed us to visualize an atmosphere that surrounds this woman. The imagery he uses also brings together two opposing forces, darkness and light which works quite well together as one united force. We can visualize a dark sky filled bright stars, a perfect picture for an ideal evening, which can be compared to his picture of a perfect woman. This woman, as well as the night, contains opposite features within her. "And all that ¡Ã‚ ¯ s best of dark and bright / Meet in her aspect and her eyes" (lines 3-4 ). The joining of these opposite forces can be associated with internal aspects of this woman. Although this poem begins with a description of a woman walking, there are not any images of her body. Byron continuously refers to her hair and face. These lines work well because they employ an enjambed line as well as a metrical substitution  ¡Ã‚ ª a momentary change in the regular meter of the poem. When poets enjamb a line and use a metrical substitution at the beginning of the next line, they are calling attention to something that is a key to a poem. Here Byron substitutes a trochaic foot (an accented syllable followed by an unaccented one) for the iambic foot at the start of the fourth line. Why? Because he is putting particular emphasis on that word "meet." He is emphasizing that the unique feature of this woman is her ability to contain opposites within her; "the best of dark and bright / meet" in her.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Community Agriculture Development and Jobs Act: A Proposed Solution to

Community Agriculture Development and Jobs Act: A Proposed Solution to Food Deserts â€Å"There can be no sustainable world without sustainable cities.† (Deelstra, 2000) This applies to many aspects of a city, but what is more important than the topic of fresh food? Sustainable foods will be the foundation of the wellbeing of a community. We not only need these nutrients to support our bodies every day, but it also supports the wellbeing of a society. So why are we ignorant to how many cities are lacking fresh food? The high concentration of food deserts in the United States has gone unnoticed, especially in Detroit, Michigan. In the city of Detroit, researchers have developed concern and acknowledged the lack of fresh food available since 1997 (National Research Council). Since then, they have found that highly concentrated poverty stricken areas are receiving inadequate help from the government via food stamp programs and city food policy and distribution. Our agricultural system parallels the â€Å"mono-crops† we grow. â€Å"American farm policy a nd corporate mergers have created powerful agribusiness giants with dominant market shares—corporations that control virtually every of segment of the industrial food system.† (food and farm bill, 2012). Similar to the dominant monocrops that are limiting the diversity of species and crops grown in the U.S., our conventional way of farming has outcompeted all other food growing techniques even though it is unsustainable. Since we have realized that one systematic way of feeding the nation is not working, we must establish a variety of growing systems that accommodate the diverse and multifarious forms of societies and communities by geographic location. Detroit, Michigan is considered one of th... ...Health in Detroit." Marie Gallagher Research and Consulting Group,2007. Web. Accessed May 10, 2012. 10 May 2012. Gallagher, John. "Acres of barren blocks offer chance to reinvent Detroit." City Farmer News 15 Dec. 2008 Detroit Free PressWeb. 3 Jun. 2012. Academic Search Complete. Martin, Michel. "Detroit Truck Responds To City's Food Desert Crisis." National Public Radio ® 2 Nov. 2010 NewsWeb. 9 Apr. 2012. NPR. Wilgoren, Jodi. "Detroit Urban Renewal Without the Renewal." The New York Times (2002): 1-3. Web. 3 Jun. 2012. Google Scholar.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Park and Sprague

The average American life expectancy is at 75 years, which reflects an increasing population of Senior citizens projected to reach around 80 million when year 2050 comes around. This is also true with countries as developed as the USA and that of Korea estimating to be at one for every five persons belonging to the senior category. What is also projected is the fact that also by 2050, more Americans will live at 85 and above at a 30 percent increase of the population.This implies a lot of things; mainly, the need for continuing care will be increased as facilities for such arrangements obviously have to be taken cared of or planned as well (Park and Sprague, 2007). Changing values in the family, the fact of urbanization and improved financial capabilities of those reaching their senior years account for this increased need for continuing care retirement institutions. The picture of current sophisticated nursing care for the elderly is no longer confined to the typical home for the ag ed.Today’s communities prepared for those in their retirement years take into consideration the sense of independence or autonomy of senior adults, the preservation of their dignity and especially the needed care of each unique individuals, making the residents feel that home becomes an integral ambience of their stay (Park and Sprague, 2007). Definitely, the challenges that are distinctive of the senior years include first and foremost the physical decline of the elderly.This alone cascades into several ramifications including the loss or diminished use of some sensory capacities such as loss of touch and impairment of hearing and visual capabilities (â€Å"Factors in the elder care decision. † 2005). Reduced strength becomes a source of daily struggle since motor reflexes become slow as energy levels are equally diminishing (Park and Sprague, 2007). With these changes, the decision to commit elderly to the care of professionals in institutions is usually made when al l the advantages and disadvantages have been considered.Advantages include having the facilities such as residential care social services where the physical needs are virtually taken cared of; senior community center where the social interactions are looked after to alleviate loneliness and sense of detachment from the family and the community; independent housing, and nursing home care where the health is maintained and diseases are reduced to a minimum; all the needs of the elderly have been thought of and designed basing on the continuum of care concept (â€Å"Factors in the elder care decision.† 2005). Bathing, meals, and medications are practically relieved from the care of the immediate relatives and provided for by trained personnel. In addition, the elderly who can hardly sustain themselves are provided with skilled nursing facilities; those who have become totally dependent such as the bedridden and myriad health problems (Park and Sprague, 2007). Disadvantages start with the rent or cost which is understandably high.Some residential areas may be lower in cost but the isolation may complicate or worsen the health conditions of those who become lonely for their loved ones and other vital connections. Other disadvantages are the risks of physical abuse and neglect which are not hundred percent guaranteed in some or many facilities despite the promise of administrative personnel to their clients. In addition, there may limitations as to the number of residents that a facility may take in; hence it may take a while to apply and be accepted in some of the excellent communities.Questions arise whether excellent care is actually given to the elderly, or whether the staffs that are hired are actually knowledgeable and skilled to take care of the individual clients (Park and Sprague, 2007). In conclusion, the relatives or loved ones of the elderly will eventually make their decision on affordability and sense of security that they feel concerning the pr ospective community that they will confine their elderly into (â€Å"Factors in the elder care decision.† 2005). Studies reveal that most elderly have maintained and/restored vitality when confined to the care of these trained professionals. On the other hand, it would probably be all important that decisions be made exhaustively, as residents may find their options are decisions they need to accept as lifetime (Krooks and Stoppel, 2007) as they will be leaving homes and loved ones, and in all probability will include the decision to sell their residential abodes. Reference:Krooks, Bernard and Kirsten Stoppel. 2000. Continuing Care Retirement Communities. Accessed February 18, 2008

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Familiarizing students with basics of the science branches

The MYP 3 scientific discipline class incorporates basic information, cognition, facts, and practical applications of the scientific subdivisions, which are biological science, chemical science, and natural philosophies. The purpose of the class is to familiarise the pupils with the constructs and rudimentss of the scientific discipline subdivisions and to guarantee they develop appropriate accomplishments in managing theoretical scientific cognition presented in talk and practical applications offered in school research labs.Course aims:The MYP 3 scientific discipline class aims are based on the MYP aims. It encourages and enables pupils to: 1. Develop wonder, involvement and enjoyment towards scientific discipline and its methods of enquiry. 2. Acquire scientific cognition and apprehension. 3. Communicate scientific thoughts, statements and practical experiences efficaciously in a assortment of ways. 4. Develop experimental and fact-finding accomplishments to plan and transport out scientific probes and to measure grounds to pull a decision. 5. Develop critical, originative and asking heads that pose inquiries, work out jobs, concept accounts, justice statements and do informed determinations in scientific and other contexts. 6. Develop consciousness of the possibilities and restrictions of scientific discipline and appreciate that scientific cognition is germinating through collaborative activity locally and internationally. 7. Appreciate the relationship between scientific discipline and engineering and their function in society. 8. Develop consciousness of the moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental deductions of the pattern and usage of scientific discipline and engineering. 9. Observe safety regulations and patterns to guarantee a safe working environment during scientific activities. 10. Engender an consciousness of the demand for and the value of effectual coaction during scientific activities. Categorization of life beings â€Å" Monera, Protoctista, Fungi, Plants and animate beings † . Metamorphosis and enzymes. Plant and animate being cells, specialised cells, tissues, conveyance mechanisms between cells and their environment ( diffusion, osmosis, and active conveyance ) , cell division † miosis and mitosis † . Chemistry: Chemical forms: solid, liquid and gas atoms, sub atomic atoms, atomic construction and isotopes. The Periodic Table: Elementss and the periodic tabular array, alkali metals, alkalic Earth metals, passage metals, halogens and baronial gases. Bonding: Ionic bonds and covalent bonds. Acids and bases: Properties of acids and bases, pH graduated table, neutralisation, mundane illustrations. Physicss: Beams and Waves: Beams and visible radiation, Torahs of contemplations, level and curving mirrors, refraction of visible radiation, lenses, mundane utilizations of mirrors and lenses, transverse and longitudinal moving ridges, wave equation. Appraisal: This class will utilize assortment of assessment tools including hebdomadal quizzes, unit trials, presentations, undertakings, lab work, aˆÂ ¦.etc. Most of these appraisals will be assessed harmonizing to the following MYP standards: Standard A – ONE Universe: This nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to derive a better apprehension of the function of scientific discipline in society. Students should be cognizant that scientific discipline is a planetary enterprise and that its development and applications can hold effects for our lives. One universe should supply pupils with the chance to critically measure the deductions of scientific developments and their applications to local and/or planetary issues. At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? explain the ways in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues. aˆ? discuss the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues. aˆ? discuss and measure the moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental deductions of the usage of scientific discipline and its application in work outing specific jobs or issues. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 -The pupil states one manner in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues – The pupil remarks upon the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues. -The pupil states how scientific discipline and its application interact with one of the undermentioned factors: moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental. 3-4 -The pupil states the ways in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues -The pupil states the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues -The pupil states how scientific discipline and its application interact with some of the undermentioned factors: moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental. 5-6 -The pupil describes the ways in which scientific discipline is applied and used to turn to specific jobs or issues. – The pupil describes the effectivity of scientific discipline and its application in work outing jobs or issues – The pupil describes how scientific discipline and its application interact with some of the undermentioned factors: moral, ethical, societal, economic, political, cultural and environmental. Standard B – Communication: This nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to go competent and confident when pass oning information in scientific discipline. Students should be able to utilize scientific linguistic communication right and a assortment of communicating manners and formats as appropriate. Students should be cognizant of the importance of admiting and suitably citing the work of others when pass oning in scientific discipline. At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? usage scientific linguistic communication right. aˆ? usage appropriate communicating manners such as verbal ( unwritten, written ) , ocular ( in writing, symbolic ) and communicating formats ( research lab studies, essays, presentations ) to efficaciously pass on theories, thoughts and findings in scientific discipline. aˆ? acknowledge the work of others and the beginnings of information used by suitably documenting them utilizing a recognized referencing system. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 -The pupil uses some scientific linguistic communication. -The pupil communicates little or no scientific information. -The pupil paperss limited or no beginnings of information. 3-4 -The pupil uses some scientific linguistic communication right. -The pupil communicates scientific information moderately efficaciously. – The pupil paperss beginnings of information in a bibliography. 5-6 -The pupil uses scientific linguistic communication right. -The pupil communicates scientific information efficaciously. -The pupil paperss beginnings of information including bibliography and in-text mentioning. Criterion C – KNOWLEDGE AND Understanding: This nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to understand scientific cognition ( facts, thoughts, constructs, procedures, Torahs, rules, theoretical accounts and theories ) and to use it to build scientific accounts, work out jobs and explicate scientifically supported statements. At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? recall scientific cognition and usage scientific apprehension to build scientific accounts aˆ? use scientific cognition and understanding to work out jobs set in familiar and unfamiliar state of affairss. aˆ? critically analyze and evaluate information to do judgements supported by scientific apprehension. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 – The pupil recalls some scientific thoughts, constructs and/or procedures. -The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out simple jobs. 3-4 -The pupil describes scientific thoughts, constructs and/or procedures. -The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out complex jobs in familiar state of affairss. -The pupil analyses scientific information by placing parts, relationships or causes. 5-6 -The pupil uses scientific thoughts, constructs and/or processes right to build scientific accounts. – The pupil applies scientific understanding to work out complex jobs including those in unfamiliar state of affairss. -The pupil analyses and evaluates scientific information and makes judgements supported by scientific apprehension. Criterion D – SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY: This nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to develop rational and practical accomplishments to plan and transport out scientific probes independently and to measure the experimental design ( method ) . At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? province a focussed job or research inquiry to be tested by a scientific probe. aˆ? explicate a testable hypothesis and explicate it utilizing scientific logical thinking. aˆ? design and carry out scientific probes that include variables and controls, stuff and/or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the manner in which the information is to be collected and processed aˆ? measure the cogency and dependability of the method. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 -The pupil efforts to province a focussed job or research inquiry. – The method suggested is uncomplete. -The pupil suggests simplistic betterments. 3-4 – The pupil states a focussed job or research inquiry and makes a hypothesis but does non explicate it utilizing scientific logical thinking. -The pupil selects appropriate stuffs and equipment and writes a largely complete method, adverting some of the variables involved and how to pull strings them. -The pupil makes remarks on the method, or the accuracy/precision of the informations. -The pupil remarks on the cogency of the hypothesis based on the result of the probe. -The pupil suggests some betterments to the method or makes suggestions for farther enquiry when relevant. 5-6 -The pupil states a clear focused job or research inquiry, formulates a testable hypothesis and explains the hypothesis utilizing scientific logical thinking. – The pupil selects appropriate stuffs and equipment and writes a clear, logical method, adverting all of the relevant variables involved and how to command and pull strings them, and depicting how the information will be collected and processed. – The pupil makes remarks on the method, and the truth and preciseness of the informations. -The pupil makes remarks on the how the hypothesis is supported or non by the data/outcome of the probe. -The pupil suggests realistic betterments to the method and makes suggestions for farther enquiry when relevant. Criterion E – Processing Datas: This nonsubjective refers to enabling pupils to roll up, procedure and construe sufficient qualitative and/or quantitative informations to pull appropriate decisions. Students are expected to develop analytical thought accomplishments to construe informations and justice the dependability of the informations. At the terminal of the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? collect and record informations utilizing units of measuring as and when appropriate aˆ? organize, transform and present informations utilizing numerical and ocular signifiers aˆ? analyze and construe informations aˆ? draw decisions consistent with the informations and supported by scientific logical thinking. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 -The pupil collects some informations and efforts to enter it in a suited format. -The pupil organizes and nowadayss informations utilizing simple numerical or ocular signifiers. -The pupil efforts to place a tendency, form or relationship in the information. -The pupil efforts to pull a decision but this is non consistent with the reading of the informations. 3-4 -The pupil collects sufficient relevant informations and records it in a suited format. -The pupil organizes, transforms and nowadayss informations in numerical and/or ocular signifiers, with a few mistakes or skips. -The pupil states a tendency, form or relationship shown in the information. -The pupil draws a decision consistent with the reading of the informations. 5-6 – The pupil collects sufficient relevant informations and records it in a suited format. – The pupil organizes, transforms and nowadayss informations in numerical and/or ocular signifiers logically and right. -The pupil describes a tendency, form or relationship in the informations and uses the informations to convey meaningful information. -The pupil draws a clear decision based on the right reading of the informations and explains it utilizing scientific logical thinking. -Numerical signifiers: may include mathematical computations such as averaging, or finding values from a graph or tabular array. Criterion F – Attitude IN SCIENCE: This nonsubjective refers to encouraging pupils to develop safe, responsible and collaborative working patterns in practical scientific discipline. During the class, pupils should be able to: aˆ? work safely and utilize stuff and equipment aptly aˆ? work responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment aˆ? work efficaciously as persons and as portion of a group by join forcesing with others. Achievement degree Form 0 The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1-2 -The pupil requires some counsel to work safely and some aid when utilizing stuff and equipment. -The pupil requires some counsel to work responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. -When working as portion of a group, the pupil needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others. 3-4 -The pupil requires small counsel to work safely and small aid when utilizing stuff and equipment. .-The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. – When working as portion of a group the pupil cooperates with others on most occasions. 5-6 -The pupil requires no counsel to work safely and uses stuff and equipment aptly. -The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. -When working as portion of a group, the pupil cooperates with others. Student Teacher 0 0 . The pupil does non make a standard described by any of the forms below. 1 – 2 1 – 2 . The pupil requires some counsel to work safely and some aid when utilizing stuff and equipment. . The pupil requires some counsel to work responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. . When working as portion of a group, the pupil needs frequent reminders to cooperate with others. 3 – 4 3 – 4 . The pupil requires small counsel to work safely and small aid when utilizing stuff and equipment. . The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. . When working as portion of a group the pupil cooperates with others on most occasions. 5 – 6 5 – 6 . The pupil requires no counsel to work safely and uses stuff and equipment aptly. . The pupil works responsibly with respects to the life and inanimate environment. . When working as portion of a group, the pupil cooperates with others.