Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine Technique -

Question: Discuss about the Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine Technique. Answer: Introduction Modern medicines and drugs have found their way through the new interventions. The drugs have come to solve the various challenges in the medical industry. With their implementation and use, the nanoparticle drugs have their own merits and challenges in their use as well as the available drug delivery formulations1. Droxil is one of the major nanoparticle drug which has found its way in the medical arena. Droxil is a nano-drug, which is approved by FDA. In addition, Droxil is well characterized with active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) of doxorubicin2. Also, Droxil has DSPE-PEG which acts as a steric stabilizer and enhances the liposome circulation time. The drug has been used in treatment of ovarian cancer, AIDS related Kaposis sarcoma, myeloma and Metastatic breast cancer among other illnesses. In relation to the drug and its drug delivery formulation, there are several merits and limitations which have come with its use. This paper will look at the key advantages and limitatio ns which are experienced Droxil is used and also related advantages and limitations during the drug delivery formulation. Advantages and limitations First, Droxil is HSPC related nano-drug, which is liposomes matrix. The drug has high resistance to the liposome membrane and temperature changes as well as the content leakages from the liposome4. The resistance is achieved from the high cholesterol available at high mole percentage. This helps the drug to function well at different conditions. Additionally, the drug has high and stable remote loading of doxorubicin, which is driven by a trans-membrane of ammonium sulfate. Due to the remote loading, the drug is able to attain 100% drug loading leading to formation of intra-liposomal nano-crystals of doxorubicin-sulfate, which have increased length of liposome diameter3. In addition, another key advantage is the faster release of doxorubicin in tumor interstitial fluid. This advantage ensures that the drug is released at the perfect position in the tumors and ensures that the treatment effect is felt. The reliability of the formulation is one of the major advantages which this method brings on board. The delivery methods for the drugs need to be more reliable to help coming up with effective treatment methods. Droxil is a particle drug and this is able to result to complement activation for the pseudo-allergy2. The side effect is able to limit the application of the drug in many cases. Due to the allergy, many patients are unable to use the drug and thus limiting its application. Another key limitation of Droxil results from the long circulation time. This is able to result to accumulation in the skin and therefore leading to both hand and foot syndrome. Justification The look on the advantages and limitations of Droxil is important. This ensures that the proper use of the drug is achieved. In addition, the advantages and limitation helps to provide ways on which the drug can be delivered and handled at different cases. Moreover, the drugs advantages and limitations helps in understanding of the compositions of the drug and the way it can be used properly. Conclusion In conclusion, Droxil has been developed with key advantages in their use. Nevertheless, the drug has had some key limitations. The further combinations are being carried out to enhance the heating, which can be achieved by radiofrequency ablation. This combination is being researched to enhance the future application of the drug. The improvements are important to ensure that the limitations are further reduced and the application of the drug is enlarged. In addition, further studies are being done to overcome the available side effects which limit the drug use. References (1) Barenholz, Y. (2016). Handbook of Clinical Nanomedicine, ed. R. Bawa, G. Audette and I. Rubinstein, Pan Stanford Publishing, Singapore, pp. 827906. (2 ) (3) Szebeni, J. Muggia, F. Gabizon A. and Barenholz, Y. (2011) Adv. Drug Delivery Rev., 63, 1020. (4) Barenholz, Y. and Amselem, S. (2013). Liposome Technology, in Liposome Preparation and Related Techniques, ed. G. Gregoriadis, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2nd edn, vol. I, pp. 527616.

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